Coma Benchmark
In this project, I was able to learn more about the brain and how it is affected during a Coma. There were so many aspects to the problem of the brain suffering a coma. I've found this project to be highly similar to the previous project when I was working on the sports physiology which was overall interesting. The most common form or way a person can get injured to the point of going into a coma is a head on collision. This relates back to the American Football project because helmet collisions are also strongly correlated to traumatic brain injuries. One of the most important things that I have learned from researching the Coma is that the brain is not technically "dead" when suffering it. Instead, the brain is going through a phase of minimal activity, or minimal consciousness. This is when the brain slows down and uses this in order to rest from the injury. This results the coma, and in addition, the person suffering the coma would not be able to respond to any stimuli or pain. This is important because Coma patients would not be able to gather resources in order to survive and need help manually in order to live. Another interesting fact is that there is imbalanced hormonal control present when the patient is suffering a coma, and that there are specific medications which patients take in order to reduce swelling of the brain. Overall, I found this project to be extremely interesting, I was able to learn new terms of the brain and how medications are able to help it by reducing swelling. I also found it interesting how there are organizations that are dedicated to finding cures for the Coma.
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