Conversational PowerPoint

Domenick Y Alexis Spanish 2 Quarter 2 Conversantion Project
Domenick Y Alexis Spanish 2 Quarter 2 Conversantion Project
This was one of those projects I had mixed feelings about, I didn't really understand it until it was too late and I was not able to make the project as good as I could have. For this we had to use ser and estar in a basic conversation, however,  we also needed to define when we use ser and estar, make a video of us talking, and include pictures. I have learned to always look over the rubric many times  and if I still don't understand I need to tell someone. I did, however, love this project once I understood what to do and I think it was a very fun way of using basic conversation while also learning about ser and estar. Anther important thing I learned was to always use the documents that the teacher gives you.   
​If you wan to check the project out link this link:

You can find everything from our videos to our text, hope you enjoy! 
