Día de los Muertos


1)Buenas tardes, damas y caballeros. Mi nombre es Shawn Brooks y nosotros estamos aquí para celebrar la vida de mi abuela, Bernice Parish.

(Aquí es un foto de su con mi prima menor.)


Mi abuela fue de Virginia. Ella movió a Filadelfia cuándo ella a los diecisiete años.

(Aquí es un foto de su con mi abuela orta.)


3)Ella fue la madre de mi madre. Ella también  fue parte nativa americana.

(Aqui es un de su con mi mamá y mi prima mayor.)


Mi abuela fue una persona amorosa. Ella disfrutó la hora con nuestras familia a menudo.

(Aquí es un foto de su con mi, mi madre, mi hermana, y mi abuela orta.)


Yo estoy aquí hoy aún su perdido. Yo  tener continuar sin su.


Yo estoy muy triste de su muerte. Yo frecuentemente pienso de las horas  pasamos juntos.


Mi abuela fue un persona  muy importante en mi vida. Nosotros tuvimos mucho diversión. Ella también fue fuerte en vida. Mi abuela fue un grande parte en mi vida y me ayudar ser una persona mejor.Spanish pictures.jpg  

(Aquí es un foto de su con mi)


  1. Who is person that passed away?

The person that passed away was my grandma. This was the mother of my mother. Her passing occurred on September 10th 2012. I known and been around my late grandmother for most of my early life while my mother was working to make it possible for me to have a good life. My grandmother was often cheerful, despite her illnesses and her refusal to take her medicine, and enjoy company during her final years. She is remembered for her religious belief in Christianity and going to church every Sunday morning. Before she became too ill and had to use a cane for her final years, she enjoyed going for walk. My grandma and I would go down to the Galley on Saturdays just for our own amusement. My grandmother was very strong women who continue fight through her illness and is a remind that life isn’t as bad as it seems.

b. What did this person mean to you?

Since my mother worked often and was unable to take care me when I was younger, my grandmother was like a second mom. She always spoiled me by doing most things that would normally be expected for me to do. For example, she would clean up after my after I finish playing so I didn’t have to. She also allow me to do whatever I want in her house. This included staying up a bit later than I was suppose to and using electronics for most of the day. However, the main reason why my reason why my grandmother was so special was because she was the only grandparent I was around in my life. I didn’t see much of my other grandmother after she moved from the U.S. and I barely knew my grandfathers. My late grandmother helped my mother the most by being the second parent since my father played the least important role in my life.

c. Why did you decide to create your sugar skull in remembrance of this person?    

The reason why I decide to dedicate my entire benchmark to my grandmother was because out the two people that past away in my life, my grandmother was more important. My grandmother was one of the most important people in my life for she was my provide when my mom was working. When she was living, I went to the school that was right around from her old house. Even after my mother and I finally move out of my grandmother’s house, I continued to go that school. This allow me to be around my grandmother more during her finally years. During that time, I would go to her house after school and sometimes even spent the night or the weekend. Both the sugar skull and the mask are symbols that show my grandmother’s impact on me is still in full effect.  

d.  How does your sugar skull reflect on the person that past away?

Both the sugar skull and the mask reflect on my grandmother’s likes and personality. The mask design I choose decorated has a cross on it because my grandmother was a Christian. I choose mainly to include bright colors over dark ones because overall my grandmother was a happy and cheerful person. My grandma also traveled a lot so I included a bus on my mask. The beads on both my mask and sugar skull show that my grandmother was an interesting person. The feather and flowers also support that my grandmother wasn't a dull person. She like to go out to different places and interact with people. Overall, my grandmother was very a likely person and my mask and skull show the happiness she possessed.

e. How has “Día de los Muertos” open your mind up to celebrating the passing loves ones?

Día de los Muertos has opened my mind up to celebrating the passing loves ones because I like the idea of celebrating love ones. When someone’s death occurs, it can be a very pain experience. However, Day of the Death helps us make time of someone’s death less depressing. As mention before, someone death isn’t the end. Instead, it is the beginning of that person new life in the afterlife. This holiday helps is reminded that the deceased person is not out of our lives for forever.  

Dia de los Muertos has also made me think about death differently. For death was a final farewell for a loved one. However, this holiday has made me see death as more of a cerbation of the life of a dead person. Dia de los Muertos seem more like a person moving away as opposed to them leaving this world.



​In our quarter benchmark, we used simple conjugation and simple sentence construction or to celebrate the holiday Dia de Muertos. We honored a deceased  loved one by dedicating them with a sugar skull, mask, and it eulogy in Spanish Unlike most project/benchmark, we had to work one this one project on our own. I unfortunately had some problems with submitting my project and it cost me some point. From that experience, I learn that I should just the summation more often.
