Dior Seidle Capstone

Screenshot 2018-05-18 at 6.29.10 PM
Screenshot 2018-05-18 at 6.29.10 PM

For this capstone project, I created a PowerPoint presentation on the steps to become a veterinarian. I wanted to create a capstone project for this because this was a career that i have inspired to be for years. I have been wanting to be a veterinarian since the age of six years old and it is a career that I still enjoy. With this capstone, I wish to inform people on the profession that I was interested to for so long and it would be an incredible thing to at least get people to consider doing something like this as their future career. Convincing someone to become a veterinarian would be amazing to do because that is exactly what I want to achieve. Throughout my presentation, I tried to give some of the simplest of steps to help guide someone that would like to become a veterinarian. If I can not do that, then I simply wish to inform others about my and possibly other people’s career choice to hold respect for them as others would respect different types of career choices and future professions. I have tried to thoroughly experience the steps from the course to take to how to possibly opt out of it if they want to. After this project, I feel like this research has became a refresher. The reason why I feel this way is because I was able to go over information that give me  more things to think about for my future career.

Link: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/15QnS4bN1ehkrd7CwpuMOBhq4JBcEcNF9SdXFdr1ijmE/edit?usp=sharing
