Electric Arts Project By:Chris Jones

Artist Statement

We chose to make a light up basketball and notebook. We chose to make this out of all things because we both are athletes.We also enjoy playing basketball a lot. We chose one another because we both have this hobby in common and many more things that we can relate. The basketball overall just symbolizes our athleticism and how much we enjoy basketball.


I chose to use a sculpture of a basketball because basketball has been in my life ever since I could remember. For me basketball gets me out trouble and the streets. Basketball also helps calm me down. So basically these two reasons are the main reasons on why I chose to use a basketball sculpture.


I choose to use a sculpture of a basketball that lights up because it basically explains my life without using words. Basketball and school are the two things in my life I put a true effort into to become better in school and increasing my skills on the court. I am a real student athlete and know that if I want to be something in life the books and studies are key if I ever want to even think of becoming a NBA star. I have a mutual respect for both being a student and being an athlete.


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