Electric Flower

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Electric Flower” artist statement :

 During this project I knew I wanted my work to be bright, to tell a story without including words.

I purposely had many things going on with my creation because I didn't want the viewer to just focus on one thing but everything at once. Doing this project, I achieved how to add line,texture and drawing into one picture. My current work relates to past work more in a better way because I improved, I stayed more focused on having a neat project and making sure my work was meeting the expectations. I simply was just going to have the colorful flower picture but I wanted to go outside the box and add a dramatic background including texture with the bold dots I created. I also did not want my work to be dull so I used multiple colored markers to incorporate my theme of the " Electric Flower”. This project does not affect the world I live in but It does reflect who I am as a person..  Bright, variety of, out of order but put together at the same time. Its unique in its own way. Lastly a new technique I learned to do is to create my own frame for  a picture by just using  a ruler, scissors and some tape. This project has helped me express myself through colors, lines, texture and drawings.
