Enviromental Science PSA-Food insecurity

Provide a summary of the contents of your video and a rationale for why YOU chose this topic, in paragraph form. What did you do well and what could you have done differently? What was the most meaningful part of the experience of creating the PSA?

To summarize my groups PSa video, it follows a main character from a first person pov. Who due to the low income, food insecure neighborhood he lives in. Has contracted a fictional form of diabetes and now must navigate the next 7 days only eating healthy foods.

I think one thing that was done super well is the creativity. Our video is funny but super layered and has a powerful message behind it.

One thing I could’ve done better though is further flesh out my solutions. I feel that though this is layered comedy the comedy does take up a lot of attention from what could’ve been going to me discussing more solutions for this problem.

The most meaningful part was definitely writing the script. I love being able to highlight creativity and have such free range.

