Fast Plants Final Reflection

initial observations
initial observations
final observations
final observations
The final turnout for our fast plants was definitely exciting to me. We had predicted, as a group, that the phenotype for our child plant would have a mixture of yellow or green flowers with a purple stem. For a long time during the 4th quarter, Tyheim had been the main member of our group to check the plants and take some pictures. From what he showed me and what I had seen myself in the beginning, I really didn’t think that our prediction was going to be correct: 

However, within the last week or so, Tyheim had noticed that our prediction was correct! He showed us the pictures, and sure enough! We had grown yellow and green flowers with purple stems:  

Seeing this picture was shocking to me, mostly because I had never seen a plant colored this way before, and I thought it was really neat. 
One aspect that definitely could have hindered our plants’ abilities to thrive is how much we watered them. It is very true that we didn’t check to see how they were doing every day because we often came into class and went straight to the classwork at hand. However, I don’t think any of us truly considered who, if anyone, was watering the plants. 
Our having grown yellow and green flowers on purple stems was pretty inevitable, when we look back at how we planted them in the first place: The phenotypes of parents 1 and 2 were yellow/green leaf and purple stem. This, of course, matches perfectly with the final outcome. Parent genotypes/phenotypes are definitely the best indicators of how an organism will look. 

Parent 1 type and Phenotype
Parent 1 Genotype 
Parent 2 type and Phenotype 
Parent 2 Genotype 
Expected Child Phenotype 
Expected Child Genotype 
Np-yellow/green leaf
St-purple stem
Mixture of yellow or green flowers with a purple stem  

“Inheritance of Traits by Offspring Follows Predictable Rules.” Nature News, Nature Publishing Group, 2014,

“Products Archive.” Wisconsin Fast Plants®, 2016,
