Gifts for the Homeless

homeless tech final 1
homeless tech final 1

Joelle Putro

Image editing project


 My project is image editing. It’s a photo of a homeless woman staring at a Christmas gift. It is suppose to symbolize how homeless people have a hard time around the holidays.

I got a picture of a homeless woman and a picture of a Christmas gift. I cut out the Christmas gift and merged it into the photo of the homeless woman. Then i put a filter on the photo to make it all the same color.

 I was confused on how to merge the photos at first but then I watched a tutorial and figured it out. Using the tutorials I learned how to merge photos and work using pixlr.

I also learned that I’m good at figuring things out using the resources I have and I don’t get frustrated easily.

 If I were to do this project over I would add more to it and give it more meaning and depth.

The advice I would give to people that are going to attempt this project is to watch tutorials when they get stuck. This project inspired me to merge more photos to spread awareness of issues. It gets the point across in a creative way.

 The photos I used were non copyright. Pixlr made it very easy for me to get my point across and after watching tutorials it was very simple to use. It allowed me to merge the photos and make it look like the gift was really in the photo.
