Green Plague Inc.
What is your project about? Describe the process you used to accomplish your goals. Look back at the steps you had to take in your checkpoints. Describe your landscape architecture company and what your clients had asked for. How did you accomplish your goals and meet your clients' desire? Hint: Green Design Research
Our project was about making a green design that would benefit the environment and make a teacher’s classroom more eco friendly by implementing our design into their class. In preparation for this project, we looked up 10 green designs. We wrote about them and considered which one was more accomplishable and easy to do. We had many ideas rough drafts of what we wanted to do, but most of them did not come up in the final product due to the cooperation of the product. Although what we did end up making deal with our client that we talked with, Ms. Reed, and we were able to work fondly from there. Our client simply wanted us to make her room more “plant-ful”. We agreed that we wanted it to be seen, get enough sunlight to live, look appealing, not get in the way of the children in the upper side of the classroom, and take up space that isn’t already used. We accomplished all of these. The last one being partial.
What does a plant need to thrive? Describe how the design of your project took into account the needs of the plant you are planting in your design (i.e. water, nutrition, temperature, safety, amount of sunlight).
A plants needs sunlight at the least sunlight to live. They could also have strive on water, but not all plants need that(even though most plants do). Our design was built on the wall board because it wouldn’t get in the way of the students and and it would be getting direct sunlight from where it is in the room. Our plant also doesn’t need much water or any really, so it wouldn’t be a hassle to water it.
Describe what affects a plant's design based on what you have learned from your past assignments.
What affect a plant's design is is if the plant is getting enough sunlight or any. Would it be easy to water or help grow the plant in the design and or placement. The number of resources given to you, plus the number of plants you have. It’s what you’re given that determines the design.
In what ways are the plant's design and the design of your project similar? Think about what affected the overall design of your project and also the development of plants.
The plant's’ design was built by its cells and organs and things inside of its anatomy. While our design did not ‘build itself’, we put together this design, as the plant does for itself.
After doing the Green Design, how do you perceive the relationship between nature and technology? Why? Remember to define nature and technology in your own terms.
Nature is the natural development of plants (and animals) in an ecosystem, and technology refers to man-made objects that were created for one or more purposes. I perceive that nature and technology in most cases live in a symbiotic relationship, giving and taking from one another. Like in our project, our ‘technology’, or project design will give the plant nutrients and space to grow, while the plants gives us improved space quality and reducing carbon dioxide levels.
Overall, what did your group do well in the project? What could your group improve on?
- Something our group did really well was the planning for each of the checkpoints we needed to reach. Every time we had a check point to reach, we made a plan of what to do so that we could reach the requirement just in time before it was due. There might have been times where our original plan didn’t work, but when that happened, we made another one one the spot and followed that one. Our group could have improved on our options. We had many ideas on what to do for the room, but it turned out that we could really only do one of those ideas. This was because we ran into problems like price, placement, time, and inconvenience. We should have worked on how our ideas work.
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