Hagar Hashem Capstone

For my capstone, I decided to do a breast cancer awareness presentation. I wanted to educate young girls about breast cancer since it’s the second leading to cause of death in women in the U.S. I made a slides show presentation that explains what is breast cancer, what are the risk factors for it, they early and later signs of breast cancer, and how can we prevent it. My process and the leagcy I’ll leave behind is leaving the young girls educated and have valuable information on breast cancer. Throughout the process, I did a lot of research and gathered information for breast cancer. I asked my capstone mentor whenever it was needed and also asked relatives on their experience with breast cancer. The only struggle I faced is that making sure my capstone tied to SLA core values https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1aNeuQ6XzKbrGE_krZLktaNg1gc6yJF8Q7ERcvWHnCws/edit?usp=sharing
