Holden Balcer Capstone

For my capstone project, I’ve decided to make letters to the freshman of next year in a welcome way and give them resources to inform them about mental health. I think providing first-year students with access to websites with strategies to get on top of school work and to stay healthy. Health is affected by sleep and food choices like stressing the importance of breakfast. The kind of health which is overlooked by many, especially students. Having somewhat of a jump start to better habits is very important to me. I want to make people feel welcomed and enforce healthy strategies for their health physically and mentally. Originally I wanted to make care packages to inform people about mental health to anyone. Making those care packages though was a lot more time-consuming but especially more expensive. I got the idea from my advisor to switch to making a letter. Inside the letters, I would have QR codes to a website that holds the information! Instead of just having a website I thought receiving custom letters with unique art and stickers in them would be a lot more fun and incentivize to check out the website. After I got the final draft down the actual process of making the letters was thankfully straightforward. I made 22 for Mr. Cunha’s advisory next year. As I got a gift when I came to SLAB I think this would count as bringing things full circle in a way. It came out great.

