Humans of SLA Beeber: Amna

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1. Did you have both parents involved in your life growing up?

  • “No.”

2. Who raised you growing up?

  • “My father raised me growing up”

3. Were you bullied growing up?

  • “No I was not.”

  • “One time I got into a fight because this girl called me a white girl and pushed me, so I punched her in her face.”

4. Have you ever had any “near death” experiences?

  • “Yes, I almost fell onto a train track. While the train was moving. I switched carts and fell in between, until my friends rescued me.”

5. How many siblings do you have? If so which ones are you closest to?

  • “I have eight siblings. I’m closest to my little brother (age 9) Israal. Each of us share the same mother and father, we all live with our father.”

6.  Who do you think that you are as a person?

“I think I am like water constantly changing and adapting water has no defined shape or color it can freeze in cold water and evaporate in hot temperature put it in different cups and the shape shifts so like water i consistently change.”
