Humans of SLA Beeber: Daniel Crowell
Daniel: Well, I would say the U.S. military has had some of the biggest influence. It has not only made me look at how I want to live my life, but on how I will be protecting/saving lives.
Jessica: What are your goals and ambitions for the future?
Daniel: I would say one of my main goals is to graduate SLA and get into the Naval Academy, and from the academy, graduate as a high ranking officer in the United States Marines.
Jessica: Why, might I ask?
Daniel: Because I like helping people. There has always been a part of me wanting to help people out.
Jessica: How would you like to be remembered?
Daniel: To be honest, I have no interest in being remembered.
Jessica: But if you make it to the military, won’t you be remembered for what you did for our country?
Daniel: I might, but my life goal is giving my life to the loved ones back home weather it be my family and friends or the country itself.
Jessica: What is your earliest memory?
Daniel: The earliest memory has to be of me and my sister being washed by our mom.
Jessica: Whatʼs the most exciting thing youʼve done?
Daniel: The most exciting thing I’ve done so far has to be going to Outward Bound! The experience was literally life changing.
Jessica: Is there anything you remember most from that trip?
Daniel: The one thing I remember of this trip has to be the trail name I got. In the trip, I was a kid who was more than willing to help my friends with heavy things whether it be pulling the canoe ashore or taking things up to our camp.
Jessica: What was your trail name, if you wouldn’t mind me asking?
Daniel: Oh god, Carebear
Jessica: What is your biggest fear or phobia?
Daniel: My biggest phobia is hights! I just get this weird feeling when I’m looking down from a great height
Jessica: What are you proudest of?
Daniel: I am most proud of the armed forces, whether they are protecting our homeland here or out fighting for our freedom, I feel they pay with their lives to keep us free.
Jessica: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be? And why?
Daniel: If I could travel anywhere in the world I would say, Spain or Europe even in general. I’ve heard so much about Europe that I would want to see things, ranging from the coliseums in Greece to the Running of the Bulls in Spain.
Jessica: Thank you for your time.
Daniel: Any time.
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