Humans of SLA Beeber: Vernika

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1.What do you want to be in life as far as a person or career wise? Why?

"Well, in person I want to be a like, giver. Not so much receive because, a lot of people take stuff for granted when they receive something from people so I want to be someone that can help people a lot and be there for people. Career wise, I want to be the type of person that knows how to do things for themselves and knows how financially and everything and not have to depend on people."

2.As a person, what challenge in your life do you feel was the hardest to overcome and do you feel that is benefited you or negatively affected you?

"Okay, the challenge I think was the hardest to overcome was, when I was 8 I had to make a decision to stay and live with my dad in Virginia rather than stay with my mom who I've been growing up with for my whole life and I think that making that decision to stay with my mom benefited me because if I didn't I couldn't really tell where I would be at. I don't think I would be here and I think that had a lot of affect."

3. Is there anything in your life you would take back? If so, why?

"Something I would take is, I don't want to say who that person is but putting my trust in someone because you have to be delicate with stuff like that because sometimes people will take advantage of you because you really have to learn someone and learn who they are before you can actually say that you trust that person and put your trust in them."
