Diamond Hannah Public Feed
Diamond Hannah & Vernika Barrow's Capstone
The Tree of Life
The inspiration for my project came from a saying, “The Tree of LIfe”. I painted a picture of a tree in the middle of empty land. The tree is painted normally and it has a background that is dark blue with paper clips hanging from it getting shorter as they go with intentions to make the clips look like steps but they are supposed to be tree swings for the context of the painting. I decided to to paint this picture because I felt that it currently represents my life. The steps are meant to represent the different stages in life that I have been going though. This project is a mixed media project and for my different medias, I used wood in which I cut myself to use as my canvas. I then used white paint to cover the entire piece of wood and I continued to paint my tree and grass using green and brown. I painted my background dark blue to make the tree pop and because I felt that the color was mysterious, like life itself. Compared to my previous work, this is somewhat different because of my choice to paint. I usually draw or color everything but, as far a conveying a message, I always try to convey a message. When doing my work, I noticed that the way I painted was an important technique because cleaner strokes made my art look better in my opinion. I’m proud of myself for sticking to my idea and I surprisingly, I’m satisfied with the outcome, so, I’m proud of myself for beginning to have confidence in my work which is something that I've learned to do, love my work because it is my creation and I’m sometimes too hard on myself. As always, if I could change anything, it’d be to manage my time better and try not to miss classes because it affected how much of my project I was able to get done. I found a painting by Vinsan that somewhat reminded me of my art because of the painting techniques and focus on nature.
Two Worlds Within One
For my portrait assignment, I decided to focus on something that I feel has had one of the biggest impacts on my life which is the environment that my brother and I grew up in. The point of the picture is to show how close me and my brother were and show that even though we were raised in the same environment, we were in two completely different worlds. So ultimately, the portrait is supposed to depict two pictures in one, in a sense. The drawings of street signs and guns on my brother’s half of the picture is supposed to represent the negativity that he was brought up around while I have sunshine and A plus symbols on my to represent how much positivity my childhood consisted of. Both sides of the split line have love and money symbols which were placed with intentions to get across that we received the same amount of money and love so there was no reason for him to get involved with half of the things that he did. Two of the most important things in the portrait are the figures above our head which represent our mother and his father. My mother is split down the middle because she had to be a parent for both of us while, there if a male figure placed on my brother’s side but not mine because he had a father figure growing up, I did not.
For this assignment, I only chose to use pencil for my materials because I didn’t want to get caught up in figuring out how to make certain things stand out with color. I used different types of pencils for shading and making some lines darker than others and other lines lighter. I had some experience with these techniques in another art class I took a few years prior to this one. I wasn’t able to find the name of the artist but, I found a drawing of a treehouse which to me, represents childhood. The artist seemed to include a bunch of different lines and shading techniques just as I did in my portrait. The artist also incorporated some symbolism into his/her portrait with the flag that has some type of symbol on the right side of the picture. After looking at my portrait and the one I found online, I am able to see how important your pencil technique is when it comes to how you draw your lines and how dark or light you make them. The definition of the line can help things stand out in a picture or, it can help balance your picture. I definitely got to play around with this technique a bit during this assignment and when I received some feedback on how to make my picture more balance, I saw how making a line darker can make such a big difference.
I don’t exactly consider myself an artistic person. I usually dislike anything I create because I can never put what’s in my head on the paper. So, I’m just really proud that I stuck with my first mind and went through with my first draft rather than choosing something different to draw each checkpoint but, if i could do anything different, i’d try to work on the pencil technique a bit more because I witnessed how small changes made such an impact on my drawing. I would have to say that has to be the most important thing I learned during this project. At first, I chose pencil for my only material because I figured it to be an easy way out but, as I started exploring I realized how much of an impact something so simple as a pencil could have.
Caffeine and it's Effects on the Body
Task 1:
Make a conjecture: How long would you judge it takes for the caffeine to leave your body and at what rate? At what point in time has half the caffeine left your body?
I would judge that it takes 6-8 hours for Caffeine and leaves your body at an hourly rate. So, at about 3-4 hours, the caffeine would be halfway gone.
Sketch a graph with labeled axes that shows what you think displays the relationship between time and the amount of caffeine in your body.
What is the lowest amount of caffeine that can be present in the body to feel its effects?
32-200 mg
Is caffeine a stimulant or a depressant?
Caffeine is a stimulant.
What percentage of caffeine in a person’s body is eliminated each hour?
13 percent of caffeine is eliminated from the body every hour.
Task 2:
Choose a caffeinated drink you drink daily (or often).
Sunkist Orange Soda: 12 fl oz.
What type of function can you use to represent the amount of caffeine in your body? Explain
You can use an exponential function to represent the amount of coffee in your body. You use this function because its graph decreases which is what happens to the caffeine as time progresses and it doesn’t decrease at a constant rate.
When will the caffeine completely leave your body?
Theoretically, the caffeine will never leave your body. This affects the math because on the graph, your asymptote will be 0 meaning the caffeine will never be completely gone.
When you have half of the caffeine left? How long does it take for the first half to disappear? How long for the second half? Show this algebraically.
In order to find out when you will have half the caffeine, you would take your initial amount of caffeine (47 in my case) and divide it by 2. This is shown on the graph represented by the horizontal purple line.
When will the initial caffeine be reduced to an amount that should no longer have any stimulant effect on the body? (Refer to the reading to determine what this amount typically is.) Mark this point on your graph.
The initial caffeine will be reduced to an amount that should no longer have any stimulant effect on the body after the average amount of 32 mg.
My Graph: The Relationship between time and the amount of caffeine throughout a 24 hour period.
Based on my research I recommend that caffeine should not be consumed regularly. The amount of caffeine you consume can increase quickly if you constantly consume it. Based on the amount of caffeine in the product, I would only recommend taking in one or 2 sources of caffeine each day and to space each intake out.
Viajar a Paraíso
Copy of La Poesía Española
Escribe (mínimo) ocho oraciones completas en español sobre el/la poeta: Por ejemplo; su vida personal o profesional, su éxito...
Antonio Machado y Ruiz estuvo nacer en Seville, Spain. Él es un famoso español poeta.
También, Machado estuvo un del destacado gente en el Momento literario Español. Creyendo
sube, Machado tuvo muchos empleos. Estos empleos incluido para su carrera en actuando.
En la vida de Machado, sus carreras en actuando y poesía asignó su nombre. Este es debe a sus
poemas famosos tal como, “¿Mi corazón se hay dormido?” y sus películas, tal como, “The
Duchess of Benameji”. Antonio Machado murió en mil ochocientos trienta y nueve en Collioure,
France. Él partió nada pero su legado de poemas, libros, y películas a contó.
Escribe (mínimo) ocho oraciones completas en español sobre tu vida personal o académica, tu éxito...
Mi nombre es Diamond y este es información de me. Yo soy muy inteligente y muy trabajando.
Cuándo estuve en la escuela primaria, yo conseguí una beca para mi desempeño en escuela. Yo
soy trabajando a tengo más determinación y ética laboral para yo puedo lograr más. Yo quiero
un vida de éxito y felicidad con el trabajo de mis sueños. Como un criatura, yo estuve dije a
siempre trabajar duro. Porque yo estuve dije a eso, mi determinación continuó a crecer. En mi
vida, todo yo tengo alguna vez estaba al corriente es trabajar duro y determinación.
Incluye un poema escrito de la/del poeta en español:
¿Mi corazón se hay dormido? ¿Mi corazón se hay dormido? Colmenares de mis sueños, ¿ya no labráis? ¿Está seca la noria del pensamiento, los cangilones vacíos, girando, de sombra llenos? No, mi corazón no duerme. Está despierto, despierto. Ni duerme ni sueña, mira, los claros ojos abiertos, señas lejanas y escucha a orillas del gran silencio. |
Escribe (mínimo) ocho oraciones completas en español del poema. ¿Cuales son tus reflexiones del poema? ¿Los temas?:
Los temas yo identificó en la poema eres conocimiento contra ignorancia y conciencia de
uno mismo. Yo elegí conocimiento contra porque del pregunta el poeta es pregutando. La idea
principal de la poema es, “¿Mi corazón se hay dormido?” y le es un debate sobre si el poeta es
consciente o no. Este debate es un conexión a conciencia de uno mismo. Yo creo los dos temas
corresponden con entre ellos porque sin conciencia de uno mismo, tú no puedes conocimiento.
En la poema, conciencia de uno mismo es mencionó cuándo él dice, “No, mi corazón no
duerme. ー Está despierto, despierto.” Este es un conexión a conciencia de uno mismo porque
la poeta habla de él mismo y si o no él es consciente. Yo creo conocimiento contra ignorancia y
conciencia de uno mismo está el principal ideas porque ellos conectamos a el pregunta el poeta
centra en el más en la poema.
Escribe tu versión del poema en español. Necesita (mínimo) diez oraciones completas en español. (Necesita el título en español)
¿Consciente o no? ¿Comó se yo conozco si yo soy consciente o no? ¿Qué ha mi vida eseñó me de conciencia de uno mismo? Yo iré fracasar sin conocimiento de yo mismo ¿Consciente o no? iYo soy consciente! Yo entendo quién yo soy Por lo que sé, yo soy la razón por qué yo soy este lejano en vida. Mi conocimiento es el razón mi ignorancia es inexistente. O yo soy no consciente, y mi mente es… ¿Soy yo consciente o no? |
Voladura Cochete (Spanish New Broadcast)
La Introducción
Dior: Buenos días Los Ángeles y bienvenido a cohete de voladura seis.cero.nueve! Yo soy Dior!
Anaya: Yo soy Anaya. Buenos días y Feliz lunes.
Dior: Vamos a empezar las noticias con el pronóstico de Diamond. Diamond?
El clima
¡Sí! Esta semana, la temperatura alta ochenta grados y el bajo temperatura sesenta y siete grados. Ayer fue setenta y dos grados. Durante la semana, nosotros tenemos dias de soleado y dias de nubes. Hoy es soleado, ochenta grados y mañana será soleado, ochenta grados también. Este es` tu momento para los pantalones cortos y ropa en la moda con Taj más tarde. Jueves será nublado, setenta y tres grados, Viernes será soleado con alguno nubes, sesenta y ocho grados, y Sabado es en sesenta y siete grados sobre todo nublado. El predicción para el siguiente semana es en la setentas. Tύ debes esperar nubes pero no lluvia.
Anaya: Gracias Diamond para el pronóstico. Yo tuve a desgasta una chaqueta hoy.
Dior: Yo acceder con Anaya. ¡Próximo! Nosotras tenemos eso hablar sobre la moda con Taj.
La Moda
Buenos días yo soy taj
Hoy voy a hablar de las modas en Lás Angeles , California. En LA , si usted ir a una tienda popular va a ver muchas ideas de la moda que van a expandir su mente. Mi favorito (incomplete sentence) es las camisetas gráficas , específicamente amo las camisetas sarcásticas son muy lindas pero muestra mucho personalidad.
Y durante un día soleado la atuenda perfecta es un boho vestido suelto. Este vestido no es ajustado le queda bien y es muy cómodo pero muy lindo. Y los zapatos perfecta que puede emparejar con son sandalias marrones.
Finalmente en todas las partes de LA puede encontrar personas niño o niña que tienen puesto un gorrito. No ponen los gorritos para guardar el calor, los gorritos son a la moda. Los gorritos forman su atuendo. Unos buenos ejemplos son estos dos gorros.
Dior: Gracias Taj para el segmento. Necesito comprar uno de esos vestidos la próxima vez.
Anaya: Yo tengo uno de esos gorros en casa.
Dior: ¿Realmente?
Anaya: Sí, lo tuve por un tiempo. !Próximo! Tenemos Michael Tran con el segmento de salud.
La Salud
¿Usted quiere quemar algunas calorías? Aquí en Los Ángeles, los picos de montaña están cubiertos en nieve blanca. Si usted quiere fundir algunas calorías entonces ponen sus guantes y ponen sus chaquetas porque aquí son cinco maneras a quemar algunas calorías en Los Ángeles. Los Ángeles puede mira soleado, pero en sus picos de montaña son muy fría.
El número cinco es la actividad de sledding. Este es una muy divertida actividad que funde doscientos calorías en una hora. El número cuatro es la actividad de patinar sobre hielo, quemar cuatrocientos calorías en una hora. El número tres, nosotros tenemos la actividad de esquí alpino. Esta actividad es para la parte inferior del cuerpo, ideal para las piernas y las pantorrillas, derrite alrededor de seiscientos calorías en una hora. A continuación en nuestra lista, tenemos la actividad de raqueta con pértiga en el número dos. Esta actividad no es sólo divertido sino también quemar alrededor a ochocientos calorías en una hora. Y nuestra manera número una a fundir algunas calorías es la actividad de esquí de fondo, es pode quemar mil calorías en una hora.
Anaya: Michael gracias por la información. Quiero a perder más calorías.
Dior: ¡Ciertamente! Jugando en la nieve blanca es divertida. ¡Próximo!Tenemos Trey viniendo con las noticias del último hora para usted.
Noticia de última hora
Si, gracias. Hoy nosotros tenemos un ‘’Mujer acaricia un perro por primera vez luego de ser maltratado durante años. Conmovedora reacción.’’
Noticia de el última hora! Un perro maltratado en Rumania, que temblaba y él gritó cuando él fue tocado. Gritó cuando él fue tocado pero ahora le gusta ser tocado.
Perro del animal doméstico de la mujer con las manos por primera vez después de ser abusada durante años. Conmovedora reacción. El “Breasts Refugio de animales” es donde sucedió este gran evento.
Este vídeo muestra cuando podrían tocar apenas sin el perro encogerse miedo de la gente. El perro brincó cuando puso su mano a su pecho y cuello. Él escondió junto a la puerta y gritó:
Sólo unos meses más tarde, un salvador de animal adopta ‘’Kayne’’ por tanto él fue tomado al U.K. Su vida fue transformada y es interactiva ahora con la gente y ha hecho hasta amigos de animal. El dueño y el perro estaban muy felices. Si quieres ayudar puedes donar dinero a cualquier refugio, dé algo como la comida del gato o el perro , toallas, lave las telas, juguetes, cuerdas y cuellos, cepilla instrumentos, camas favoritas:
Si usted está interesado en adoptar una mascota aquí están algunas grandes sitios que recogerlos en: van (to) a L.A en todo al Reino Unido.
El “refugio para animales de Breasts”
Refugio de animales Central Norte
Refugio de animales de Valle Oriente de la ciudad de los Ángeles
Battersea perros y gatos de casa
Dior: Gracias Trey con la historia y que concluye nuestra emisión de hoy. Yo soy Dior.
Anaya: Y yo soy Anaya. Gracias por ver cohete de Voladura Seis.Cero.Nueve
Professional Interview
Dia de los Muertos
Spanish Children's Book
Ser vs. Estar
Humans of SLA Beeber: Vernika
1.What do you want to be in life as far as a person or career wise? Why?
"Well, in person I want to be a like, giver. Not so much receive because, a lot of people take stuff for granted when they receive something from people so I want to be someone that can help people a lot and be there for people. Career wise, I want to be the type of person that knows how to do things for themselves and knows how financially and everything and not have to depend on people."
2.As a person, what challenge in your life do you feel was the hardest to overcome and do you feel that is benefited you or negatively affected you?
"Okay, the challenge I think was the hardest to overcome was, when I was 8 I had to make a decision to stay and live with my dad in Virginia rather than stay with my mom who I've been growing up with for my whole life and I think that making that decision to stay with my mom benefited me because if I didn't I couldn't really tell where I would be at. I don't think I would be here and I think that had a lot of affect."
3. Is there anything in your life you would take back? If so, why?
"Something I would take is, I don't want to say who that person is but putting my trust in someone because you have to be delicate with stuff like that because sometimes people will take advantage of you because you really have to learn someone and learn who they are before you can actually say that you trust that person and put your trust in them."
Humans of SLA Beeber: Kobe (James)
1.What do you want to be in life as far as a person or career wise? Why?
“I just want to be someone that people look up to because I come from a place where no one really had nothing. I just want to be...I really don’t know. I want to be the best there is at computer engineering. I want Lovelace Inc. to the incorporation that everyone looks to.”
2. What is a habit you notice about yourself and where do you think it comes from?
“Being there for people you know, that s a habit I see. It comes from my mom you know, and I give her respect for that because she always there for me through everything, when I was younger, when I was a bad kid…”
3. As a person, what challenge in your life do you feel was the hardest to overcome and do you feel that is benefited you or negatively affected you?
“I would have to say being bullied and being the four-eyed in class, that was the hardest thing I could… That benefited me because look at me know.... I’m here…”
Expression through words and "Ruby"
My sculpture is a bit of a confusing are piece I used a girly glasses case (to express my girly side) with lights coming out as crazy looking teeth. The crazy looking “teeth" are placed to show how effective and crazy my words can be. I like to think that my words sometimes have a major impact on whatever situation I decide to act upon with them. The whole meaning of the glasses case is my better half and alter ego also known as “Ruby”. When I am usually upset, to stop myself from overreacting, I put on my glasses and I am known as Ruby, the quiet, nonchalant girl who is not affected by one’s words but is not afraid to use her own.
Avoid Consequences
Diamond, Cinque, Aliya, . Express Myself Videos
This unit, we learned the courage people obtain or don’t possess to allow others to know who they are. We analyzed a poem called, “We Wear the Mask.” This reflected the truth of hiding your emotions and opinions in order to be accepted by society and the people in it. Everyone wants to be accepted as normal and fear being criticized of who they really are. Another theme was self expression. People identify themselves by their race, sexual orientation, the way they dress, culture, gender and hobbies or interests. These are the main ways people are judged by society, depending on if their identity is mainstream or fringe.
Our video was about the interests and hobbies of our group. We picked out things we like to do, and showed our own ways of doing it. For example we portrayed our favorite music artists, food, and leisure activities (drawing, sports and singing).Then we explained how they relate to each other.
As a citizen of today’s judgemental society, I have learned to express myself through my likes, dislikes, physical presentation and my personality. From this unit of learning about expressing ourselves, I did just that and it was a fun and interesting way for me to present myself to others the way I wanted to be be presented. I think it is important for anyone viewing this video to know that we all individually got to decided who we wanted to be viewed as. We got to share what we wanted and how we wanted it to be shared without the hesitation caused by fear of being judged. I have definitely learned how to be myself.
During the development of this project, I learned that that were somethings I did not to share with my peers. In other words I was hiding myself from my peers. For example I refused to publish my family, and events of my life growing up, based on my background. In order to understand the significance of my video the viewer must understand many things. To explain them simply, sports, interests and friends were not related to my hidden feelings.