Internet Survival guide

    Since The internet has become the biggest thing ever, everyone is on it almost all the time and with that everyone is talking to everyone on it. On the internet lots of people are anonymous and with that people think they can just say whatever they want to who ever they want which technicley they can but still that doesn’t mean you should.

   The truth about being online is that there will always be someone on there who may say something mean to you if itll be honest or not. If you’re going to be online you need to be aware that there aren’t always going to be nice people and you need to just have a thick skin.

   If you want to be known as a good person online you’re going to have to be really careful of what you post and say because otherwise it’s there forever and theres no taking it back. Of course you have to be aware that no matter what you do there will always someone out there to hate on you.

   Does the internet have rules? I say it doesn’t nore should it. The internet is this place where people can annonymously say litterally anything and i dont think that they should be punished for it unless it can harm someone else.

   What a cyber bully is is someone who bullies someone over the internet because they think they can get away with it. The most likely reason they do it is that they think its funning and it gets a good reaction out of the victim.

   The two kinds of bullies is someone who does it on purpose and someone who does it by accident. The person who does it on purpose like i said wants to do it but the person who does it by accident has no idea it affects the other person that way.

   Some advice that i can give so people arent harmed while using the internet is: dont take anything too seriously. You need to know that the person on the other side typing at you is a sad human being who would rather be hurting someone else rather than doing something productive.

   If you don’t know what a troll is it is someone who is savage honest and rude. Most of the troll really dont consider how what they say will offend the other person but also they’re extremely honest. They say excactly how they feel about something and honestly i think they help out other people by pointing out flaws in thing and also getting other people to have a thicker skin.
Slide 1. The internet has changed communication in a lot of ways, some better and some worse. We can communicate way easier but also people can bully a lot easier. People everywhere on the internet enjoy bullying people because they can get away with it and not many people care. But the people who do get bullied can get it bad, most people will think “Oh yeah i’m on the internet what should i expect” and do the same thing to the “bully”. I’ve seen cyberbullies because I spend a lot of time on the internet and you start to just ignore them.
  1. I think those three things are things that you really have to watch out for because that’s also the stuff that you do the most on the internet. Even me having this class and learning it i still do all of those things. You really have to think twice before doing anything on the internet cause once its out its out. Immediacy affects people because

  2. You could just post what you want to be known so you don't look like some weird guy or you could make two accounts one for your own stuff and one for what you want people to see as.

  3. The internet doesn’t have rules. Websites have rules. Even if there were rules (which i don’t think there should be) people wouldn’t listen to them. I think people need this anonymous place to express their feelings on topics people and other things.

  4. Cyberbullying is when someone tries to annoy people and acts like an internet troll.

  5. Intentional cyber bullying and doing it by accident. If you're intentionally bullying someone it IS bullying but if you do it by accident and you may not even know your bullying them

  6. Anyone who's a victim of cyberbullying just needs to think and know that the person bullying you has never met you so you shouldn't even be offended by it. For bullies i think they know they’re doing it and they probably won't stop but they should really think of how it could affect the other person. Any bystanders should go and talk to the victim privately to avoid getting bullied themselves

  7. Don't share anything you wouldn't want someone you don't know to see, don't share anything you're self conscious of , ignore anything that you can see is bs, have fun, and have a thick skin

  1. The internet has changed communication in a lot of ways, some better and some worse. We can communicate way easier but also people can bully a lot easier. People everywhere on the internet enjoy bullying people because they can get away with it and not many people care. But the people who do get bullied can get it bad, most people will think “Oh yeah i’m on the internet what should i expect” and do the same thing to the “bully”. I’ve seen cyberbullies because I spend a lot of time on the internet and you start to just ignore them.

  2. Permanency lack of control and immediacy are things that you really have to watch out for because that’s also the stuff that you do the most on the internet. Even me having this class and learning it i still do all of those things. You really have to think twice before doing anything on the internet cause once its out its out. Immediacy affects people because

  3. You could just post what you want to be known so you don't look like some weird guy or you could make two accounts one for your own stuff and one for what you want people to see as.

  4. The internet doesn’t have rules. Websites have rules. Even if there were rules (which i don’t think there should be) people wouldn’t listen to them. I think people need this anonymous place to express their feelings on topics people and other things.

  5. Cyberbullying is when someone tries to annoy people and acts like an internet troll.

  6. Intentional cyber bullying and doing it by accident. If you're intentionally bullying someone it IS bullying but if you do it by accident and you may not even know your bullying them

  7. Anyone who's a victim of cyberbullying just needs to think and know that the person bullying you has never met you so you shouldn't even be offended by it. For bullies i think they know they’re doing it and they probably won't stop but they should really think of how it could affect the other person. Any bystanders should go and talk to the victim privately to avoid getting bullied themselves

  8. Don't share anything you wouldn't want someone you don't know to see, don't share anything you're self conscious of , ignore anything that you can see is bs, have fun, and have a thick skin
