Internet Survival Guide

1. An explanation of how the Internet has changed communication. Make sure to use at least one specific example.

The way internet changed communication throughout the world is very extraordinary. Data being able to be transferred from one side of the world to another, sociality becoming more and more frequent with both children and adults, and knowledge being a lot more easier to access. The dawn of the internet’s great achievement was born when Steve Jobs first introduced the internet’s capabilities in 2002.

2. Define Immediacy, Permanence and Lack of Control as they pertain to the Internet and explain how Immediacy, Permanence and Lack of Control affect both our offline and our online identities and lives. Include at least one example for each.

However, even if the internet is perceived as a free-to-do place, it still has its guidelines people must follow in order for everyone to have an equally enjoyable experience. These three guidelines being, Immediacy, Permanence and Lack of Control. Immediacy is when consequences of the actions an individual has chosen to make on the internet starts to take effect on both their internet life and their life in reality. For example, when posting something that might be offensive to some people, those offended people will take immediate actions to fully publish their post, causing immediate consequences to affect their life. Lack of Control is the phase that pretty much happens after Immediacy takes effect. When the individual's offensive post has been seen by almost everyone around the world, it would be too late to try and delete every single shared post, leaving the individual unable to control what already happen. After Immediacy and Lack of Control occurs, Permanence allows the effects to either stay in motion or in place.

3. What are two ways that you can actively manage and protect your identity and your reputation online? (one of each)

Do not worry about not knowing the ways you can protect identity while managing online activity, there are a bunch of ways you can protect yourself. Two of them being, keeping your post well thought out, and making sure that you keep your thoughts to yourself.

4. Answer the question: “Does the Internet have rules?” Use at least one specific example.

Yes, the internet does have rules when it comes to having the privilege to do whatever you can imagine. The first amendment’s statements is involved in most of these rules. One of them being protected and unprotected speech when publishing through the internet. For protected speech gives you the permission to post or publish anything on the internet while unprotected speech unables you to state something that doesn't hurt the reputation of someone else.

5. Define cyberbullying in your own words.

Cyberbullying is when an individual is threatened or harassed through the internet.

6. Describe at least 2 kinds of cyberbullying and why they are considered cyberbullying

There are a lot of ways to cyberbully someone. Two of them being: unintentional cyber bullying, where people are seen cyberbullying without realizing. And doxing, when people are seen releasing someone else’s personal information.

7. Provide advice for: victims, bullies and bystanders of cyberbullying

The advice I would like to provide for bystanders is to tell an adult right away and make sure to comfort the victim who got bullied. For bullies, if you ever get motivated by friends to bully other people, try to keep your distances away from them. However if they decide to follow you try speaking to an adult and have them be restricted from being around you. Victims who get bullied must have evidence if they are going to tell an adult. That way, the adult would find your statement to be true and try to support you by letting you stay in their class whenever they start bothering you.

8. Your Top 5 tips for using the Internet

  • Make sure to talk to the people you know instead of trying to befriend random people you never heard of before

  • Try to use websites that are virus free

  • When using accounts on the internet, try to make sure you secure your password information.

  • When downloading, make sure it is truthful with what it’ll give you instead of downloading it blindly.

  • When using computers in a library, please remember that different computers have different internet systems, so be sure to follow the directions and restrictions the library internet uses.
