Internet Survival Guide

Zarin Shyma


                        Internet Survival Guide QUESTIONS


Internet has changed communication because before the internet use people only used to have  phone to communicate. But now the internet has changed the communication because now most of the people use facebook, whatsapp, viber, imo etc to communicate, for example in 1977, people only used to have phone to communicate, now people can communicate by messenger, instagram, whatsapp etc.

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Immediacy- how quick a photo, comment, or video can spread  around the world.

Permanence- Once you post something on online, Even if you delete the post, but it still can be somewhere else.because people can save  screenshot and download the post.

Lack of control-  After you  post something on online, you’re not going to have that much control on it.

Immediacy, Permanence and Lack of Control affect both our offline and our online identities. For example when a famous person  wanted to post a picture  on online but accidentally she posted the wrong thing. And when she posted the picture. Immediacy started to happen because  People started to like, comment and share it. Permanency is that  people can also screenshots and download the picture. And In this case lack of control happened  because after she posted the picture she didn’t have that much control on it.


The two ways that you can actively manage and protect your identity and your reputation online are you should create a password that is hard to remember. And try not to put your private information like your phone number, addresses etc online.


I think the Internet does have rules but most of the people don't follow them for example: you cannot use facebook until you're 13.

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Cyberbullying is the act of bullying someone  by using technology.  (as by posting mean or threatening messages about the person online)

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The 2 kinds of cyberbullying are Unintentional and harassment. Unintentional cyber bullying is Online posting or texting that makes someone feel uncomfortable or upset without meaning to. and harassment cyberbullying is sending  threatening message to someone.They are considered cyberbullying because by doing these kinds of things they tried to harm the person’s reputation.

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The advice that I have for the bullies are you shouldn’t do these kinds of things. Because by doing these kinds of things you ruining the person's reputation. And if you're the victim  think before you act.. And if you are the bystanders stop the bullies  to do this kinds of things.

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  • Think before you post something on online.

  • Don’t post something that harm others.

  • Be the person you’re in offline.

  • Don’t post your private Information on online.
