Internet Survival Guide

​Slide 2- Newer and better with to talking to people around the world.

Slide 3- Immediacy- Sending something to everyone so they can all see
Permanence- Posting something but can't delete it.
Lack of control- Having no control over actions when posting something.

Slide 4- Dukes sex list
Asians in the library
2 girls made racist video about people of color

Slide 5- Don't post dumb things
Think twice before posting something
Never show your real identity/ Send personal information

Slide 6- I think the internet does have rules but people just choose not to respect them, that's why they: lie, cheat, steal, download malware, etc.

Slide 7- Cyber bullying is talking crap, being reckless towards a person or a group of people.

Slide 8- 2 forms of cyber bullying is sexual harassment or being mean to someone's sexual orientation, gender, race, religion, etc.

Slide 9- Advice for victims is to stand up for yourself, don't let anyone put you down
Bystanders- Find an adult, speak up!
Bullies- Why do you do it? why do you choose to hurt people and yourself?

Slide 10- Advice when using the internet
To begin to read the terms and service from now on.
Don't expose myself to anyone, ever!
Don't send personal information to anyone or anything.
Don't get catfished.
