Introduction To Design and Multimedia Project

Screenshot 2016-11-04 at 1.16.54 PM
Screenshot 2016-11-04 at 1.16.54 PM
The reason for this project was to learn how to make a good and fascinating website about something I cared about or found important.The subject I used for my website was Philadelphia because not only could I relate,but I also did a geometric class the featured a picture of Philadelphia that I drew.My goal was to successfully make a website and I managed to do that.I hoped to learn what work needed to be put in to design a website.
In the beginning of the website I didn't know where to start,but then I decided to think about my past projects I did and what I could use in this project.I so happened to come across the geometry project I did for Mrs. Epps in 10th grade.After I found my prject to do everything else flowed out and I was able to successfully make my website.In the process yes there were some errors for example. Using wix I had trouble editing my navigation because on the welcome page I had no navigation to getting to the next page,but after discovering more about the website editor I was using and some help from former class mates I was able finally fix the issue.Now the navigation is not perfect,but I fixed to the best of my ability. 
Through the completion of this project I learned how to make a website successfully. I learned how to design and what appeals to the eyes of the viewers. Through this project I learned that I am capable of actually making a website and learning what a good website should look like. If I were to do this project again I would probably use another editor,that may have been easier because wix also uploaded picture weird and editing them on wix was difficult.
Any tips or advise that I would give to anyone else to do this project would be completing your checkpoints on time and trying to make them quality work.This project inspired me to not be afraid to make another website because of the difficulties I might face.The medium,wix did not dictate my message because there were many options for me to bring my own work into my website.
