Jaylah A, Drought

  1. How do the earth systems affect each other? -The earth systems can affect each other in many ways. They affect each other by working together to influence the climate, trigger geological processes, and affect life all over the Earth. Since earth systems are connected what may affect one system can affect another.
  2. How can an understanding of environmental science aid in handling natural disasters? -Understanding of environmental science can aid in handling natural disasters by making us more informed and prepared. Knowing about environmental science can later lead us to me informed on what steps we may need to take and how to later prevent a natural disaster.
  3. What efforts can we make to create a sustainable future? -To create a sustainable future it takes lots of effort not just from one but all. Some steps we can take is saving our natural resources, we use too much water and it would be fantastic if we cut down. We can start investing in renewable energies and using less energy in our homes. Some other steps we can take is stop using plastic, recycle more, and eating more plant based meals.
