Jonnirah Knight Capstone

My group and I (Caprice and Collin), designed a mental health website that allows users to express their feelings in a healthy way. Users can communicate about mental health-related subjects on our website “CanWeTalk” using the chat feature. Other features of the website include sections like the “Learn more” and “Self-care” pages. Visitors can find a list of definitions for several common mental illnesses on the “Learn more” page. We felt it was critical to inform our visitors about the many terms in psychology and how illnesses may affect someone’s mental stability. Additionally, our team felt it was important to add a “Self-care” section to the website. In order to better their mental health at home, we wanted viewers to have the opportunity to learn more about this topic. On this page of the website, you may find tips on how to meditate as well as links to products you can buy that could potentially benefit you. After our website went live, we made flyers to distribute within the SLA building. We also set up an Instagram account for “CanWeTalk” with more promotions and advice. We push for more healthy approaches to address mental health because we value it. As one of SLA’s core values, collaboration is something we also appreciate. Our organization seeks to unite every demographic, that being adults and students.

Learn More Section
Learn More Section
Mental Health Form
Mental Health Form
"Self-Care" Section
"Self-Care" Section
