Khafren's Capstone Project

The Capstone at SLA is a year long project, designed to be virtually whatever a student chooses. At the end of the year the student presents to a handful of teachers, what they’ve accomplished throughout the year. The goal of my project is to show to my audience how public transportation is a large part of city life that we take for granted, and how it allows the economy to continue to grow. I have used this hands-on internship as a way to get real world experience observing and interpreting the field of systems engineering. I was provided the opportunity to use Septa as my basis for this, as this company is accessible and fits into my intended career path. For my Capstone I decided to focus on something that I could see in my future, and that would be a stepping stone to making this thought reality. I have been interning at SEPTA since February and will continue to do so after school ends. Throughout my Capstone Presentation you will be able to see the things I learned, experienced and inquired about during my time interning.
