Learn- Create- Lead

Creativity while learning sometimes has me on a edge. It makes me confuse. How can I be creative ? I can’t always express myself… Sometimes I can’t be honest, sometimes I have to bite my tongue because my creative side might start` flowing but my learning side might stand still, and sometimes just sometimes that might not work. I am an outspoken, direct, alluring, sedulous, individual that has to keep a professional side and a side that keeps the young me alive. Creativity while learning is being both of this things, having fun and exploring your education. Basically,being creative in learning is a stress relief. It helps you not stress so much, it gives you the understanding of not always trying to over work yourself or not believing you can do it because at the end of the day you still need to, stay focus. You can’t stay focus if you’re stressed out trying to figure what you should do on projects and things in that nature. Or just the fact that you need to ask questions, you need to have an understanding of what you are doing. Being creative while learning is being yourself and having respect for yourself and others in the learning place.
