Jahdiyyah Matthews Public Feed
Excretory system
Keystone StudyGuide Kramming
Text Analysis Handbook: Let America be America again
Pink lights for J!
Kelly sits there as she’s been waiting for her nephew to come home sitting under a painting of music notes. She has been dreading to tell him the news, shattered glass is on the living room floor, with the couch bed made, and she is sitting here in tears with candles around the floor. Kelly is falling apart and she has been for weeks but no one even notices what is really going on with her… Tonight is the breaking point she’s going to tell everyone she’s leaving.
Internet Survival Guide
Slide 5 An explanation of how the Internet has changed communication. Make sure to use at least one specific example.
The internet has changed communication because everybody gets information has changed.
Slide1 Define Immediacy, Permanence and Lack of Control as they pertain to the Internet
Immediacy in internet is explaining how fast get uploaded, Permanence is a way to show how no matter what if you post online it is still there, even if you delete if off the internet someone can always bring it back up with a screenshot. Lack of Control is not having a real thought when you are using the internet, not thinking of what you are posting while or before posting.
Slide2 An explanation of how Immediacy, Permanence and Lack of Control affect both our offline and our online identities and lives. Include at least one example.
Immediacy can affect your online and offline life because if you post something inappropriate someone can screenshot it and send it your boss, teacher, parent, and etc, which can mess up your reputation. Permanence to me is the biggest effect because no matter if you delete of the internet someone can always bring it back up, someone can always share what you think is private. Lack of control can mess up your offline life because you should be more responsible when it comes to what you say.
Slide 6 What are two ways that you can actively manage and protect your identity and your reputation online? (one of each)
One way that you can actively manage your identity is to email the source you are using to tell them it’s really you are put a lock on your page. Another way to protect your online reputation is to watch what you post, post things that are really for you and be mindful of other feelings.
Slide 3Answer the question: “Does the Internet have rules?” Use at least one specific example.
Yes, the internet has rules, it’s thing you can and cannot do on the internet. It’s certain websites that block you off as a teenager or things like that. For example certain or most social media sites do not allow you to post or repost things. Or they will email you and say that you can not use something because you have broke one of their rules.
Slide4 Define cyberbullying in your own words.
Describe at least 2 kinds of cyberbullying and why they are considered cyberbullying
Cyberbullying is a way of doing things online disrespecting people, saying rude comments, and etc.
Slide 7 Provide advice for: victims, bullies and bystanders of cyberbullying
For victims of cyberbullying tell someone, do not let someone take you for instance, for bullies grow up! Act mature and treat people the way you want to be treated.
Slide 8 Your Top 5 tips for using the Internet
Remember who you are, do not let the internet change you.
Do not post things that are disrespect to others or harming people.
Keep your mind set on the right things, encourage people.
Stay mindful of your elders
People love who you are when you are around them don’t change because of what the internet is based around.
Learn- Create- Lead
Creativity while learning sometimes has me on a edge. It makes me confuse. How can I be creative ? I can’t always express myself… Sometimes I can’t be honest, sometimes I have to bite my tongue because my creative side might start` flowing but my learning side might stand still, and sometimes just sometimes that might not work. I am an outspoken, direct, alluring, sedulous, individual that has to keep a professional side and a side that keeps the young me alive. Creativity while learning is being both of this things, having fun and exploring your education. Basically,being creative in learning is a stress relief. It helps you not stress so much, it gives you the understanding of not always trying to over work yourself or not believing you can do it because at the end of the day you still need to, stay focus. You can’t stay focus if you’re stressed out trying to figure what you should do on projects and things in that nature. Or just the fact that you need to ask questions, you need to have an understanding of what you are doing. Being creative while learning is being yourself and having respect for yourself and others in the learning place.
Think before you post
Jahdiyyah Matthews
The Racist Tweet
Justine Sacco, a communications director of the New York- based internet empire, InterActive Corp. Justine was at the airport about to board a 12 hour flight from Lodon to Cape Town when she decided to post a tweet, it read, “ Going to Africa. Hope I don’t get Aids. Just kidding. I’m white!”. Now Justine didn’t think to many people would notice this tweet or it would sway off to other social media sites or she would lose her job. Fom Justine being on a 12-hour flight she didn’t notice all the things she had stired up. By time she landed people had started a hashtag about her #HasJustineLandedYet. Justine was terrifed at all the emails she had gotten and the next morning losing her job. She also wrote a apolojy letter to the world and the internet empire that she worked for. After a couple of weeks of threats and being depressed for her mistake she thought it would be good if she soonly deleted her twitter, facebook,and instagram account.
Now, Justine didn’t really believe that all of this would happened while she was on a plane. She didn’t even think that so many people would have retweeted, screenshot, or post around because none of her other tweets were so important. That’s the thing with immediacy, you won’t think something would go around so quick. People all around the world have posted things that they didn’t believe would go viral. Immediacy played out in this story becuase withi less of 12 hours one tweet was seen by thousands of people. Even though Justine deleted the tweet and then deleted all of her social media links this tweet can still be seen and still effects people to this day. The tweet is forever aroud, just like a tattoo or something it is permanent.
Lack of control came around once Justine landed and didn’t know what to do about her tweet surfuring around. She didn’t have control of it going viral and have control of how people but she did have control of what she said. My personal advice to Justine is think before you type. Always put yourself in a strangers shoes reading something you say or seeing something you do. No matter what you do it always effects someone, no matter of a good effect, bad effect it still has a role in people lives.