Leo, Lea, & Other Fast Plans

When we first got this project I was excited to grow plants and take care of them. Then once I figured out we would also be doing two generations of plants, mixing between the types that got me even more pumped for this. Our first generation of plants did good. I think they took longer to grow then our second generation of plants. Our first generation of plants was ST & NP. I predicted that the next generation would be a mix of purple stem with green leaves or vice versa and that’s how they were. I would say that our plants being moved really hindered our plants’ ability to thrive. People kept moving our plants and this, at one point, lead to them dying and made us have to start over. Genetics will provide and organism with the genes they have which will then provide an organism with their phenotype. However, an organism's environment will determine whether it lives or does not. If there was no light for our plants, they would die. This is evident on when our plants were moved by others. Since other people moved our plants from under the light/from the water our plants died. This shows that the environment does matter for the growth of an organism. I think the thing that stood out to me the most during this project was the genetics portion. I think actually playing with the DNA and genetics of the plants was fun and interesting. We got to see how genetics work. That was the most interesting part of this project.

Pictures of our plants:

2018-06-05 (1)
2018-06-05 (1)
