Line Texture and Value
I’ve created this piece of art to give people something to think about deeply within their minds. I was hoping to achieve people going beyond what they see inside or outside of the cube. The cube communicates how people are never able to see the same side or all sides. I’m pretty sure i’ve achieved a growth of open mindedness among people.
My current work is deep my last piece of work was also deep. I like to make very innovate drawings with deeper meanings that the surface.I started drawing a cube. Then after I was finished drawing the cube and made sure that my lines were parallel I moved on the adding a shadow to the cube. After I added the shadow effect you see how the cube soon pops out of the paper. Next I used a shading tool and I shaded every part of the paper that wasn’t the shadow part of the cube. Only one side of the cube was shaded. There was no place where I got my information from unless you count my head and I can't source my brain. My work reflects not only on me but on everyone in the world. This is factual because not everyone thinks the same. No one ever has the the same exact thought about something. It’s what makes us unique as individuals. No one ever sees the same side. I’ve experienced being in arguments and some people just don’t see the same side as others. That's what an argument is. Trying to get someone to see the same side you do. Like reading a book but not being on the same page.In my opinion I personally think that my art could make an impact on the world and It would try to get people to be more open minded and work harder to come to the same place. The shadow effect was the most important part to the work because it’s the main thing that makes the cube look 3d. I learned how to add shadows to the right parts of my drawings.
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