Lit Duey

We always take our friends dueys and wear them. We do this because they get us wavy. So we thought why not get wavy with lights! Which is perfect for the holiday season! It’s something that a lot of people wear in our area so we thought why not add a fun twist to it. We thought, how can we take an everyday object and make it something most people have never seen before and the thought just came to both of our heads at the same time. We feel as though our art portrays us as  fun and creative people with a different way of thinking. -Anna DeSouza

When we come to school we always take our friends dueys just to make them mad. Since they get mad when we take theirs we've decided to get one of our own and make it even better with lights. This is an unique and creative idea because this has never been done in Mr. Gray's physics class. We love our duey because we love getting wavy. It's an amazing way to show holiday spirit as well! ~ Brianna Ricketts
