Makema Vanterpool's Final Submission

Earth systems affect each other because what affects one can affect another. Energy and material flows, commonly referred to as routes or fluxes, connect the major parts of the earth system. The flow of energy and the biogeochemical cycles’ cycling of essential minerals are the two most significant flows in the earth system. An understanding of environmental science aid in handling natural disasters because we understand how the world and its systems function and why these things occur, environmental science can help in handling natural disasters. We can determine what to do in these situations based on it. Our knowledge of natural Earth processes enables us to comprehend the causes of earthquakes and the effects of releasing too many greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The efforts that we can make to create a sustainable future involves making sure that your major purchases offer significant environmental advantages. Move beyond plastic. Avoid buying things that threaten wildlife. Read labels carefully and conserve water. My reaction to my findings and overall project are very high-minded and satisfactory. My overall project focuses on Volcanoes and the way they develop when tectonic plates collide. Some of the rocks in these plates start to melt as water seeps into them and is pressed out, forming magma. Volcanoes erupt as the magma builds up in magma chambers and eventually pushes its way to the surface. A region known as the “Ring of Fire” is where volcanic eruptions are most likely to happen, while “hot spots” are where the majority of other eruptions take place. Gases and dust particles released by volcanoes have an impact on earth systems. Climate change is influenced by the gases and dust that eruptions discharge into the atmosphere. Additional effects include the deterioration of water quality, a decrease in the number of rainy days, crop losses, and vegetation destruction. Massive, albeit infrequent, volcanic eruptions will cause plumes of gas and ash to ascend higher as the atmosphere warms as a result of global warming.

