"Me" Street Art
- What is the meaning of the work you created?
- The things in my street art are inspired by the way I am. There is a microphone and it represents that I like to sing. There are two hands that look like guns because I have trust issues. There is an eye that has fire and a cold heart in the middle with mascara smears and this represents how I am usually sad or angry or both at the same time.
- What inspired your work?
- My personality and feelings inspired my street art.
- Why did you choose the location you chose?
- I chose the hallway near Mr.Gray's room because that's where most people are.
- How did this project change your perception of Art?
- It didn't change my perception of art. I still love it the same way.
- How did this project change your perception of Art you see as you travel around the city?
- It didn't change I see it the same way.
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