Media and Design Website

In this project I created a website for media and design class. You will see things like what I do for fun, school projects and what I have planed for my future. In this project I hoped to learn how to build a better website for future reference. While doing this project I learned just that but I still have things to learn and work on. This project was very eye opening! This project was somewhat of a long process. We had many checkpoints leading up to the final submission. First we had to complete our homepage. We had to make it look eye catching and easy to navigate. After that we had to work on the following pages to complete our website. Homepage, About me, Resume, Project those are the thing we needed to complete it. Adding a contact page was optional. I added a gallery page which included pictures of me and things I mentioned. I did that because I felt like I didn't have enough pictures on my website. This is basically the process we had to take to complete this project.

I think I did really well with the design aspect of it. Now when it came to the navigation on the homepage I did really well on. But, on the rest of my pages I didn’t add any easy way to go to other pages. I think I did very poor on turning the checkpoints in time. To overcome that I made sure that i completed the checkpoint of head of time. Throughout the whole doing the whole project the main thing that I learned was how to build a website and add more eye catching things. One main thing that I learn about myself is that I suck at writing about myself. Two things that I would do differently about this project is turning things on time and asking for help with making my site easier to navigate. One tip that I would give is don’t Procrastinate! This project inspired me to make a website for my crocheting. All pictures are mine but, the poem from Shel Silverstein and the quote from Erykah Badu are not mines. This everything I got from my project. Thanks for viewing!
