Ashton Woodson Public Feed
Litter (Philadelphia is Our Trash Can!)
Are Environmental PSA is about litter. Litter is a very huge Problem in Philadelphia! Philadelphia is third most dirtiest city. The main reason for this is because a lot of people aren’t disposing their trash properly. Instead, people are using our city, our plant as their personal trash can. So we based our PSA around litter and how we can try to prevent it. I helped my group just by doing what they need done. Also, learning my lines and and making sure they come out nice. I think it went well overall everyone got there lines done and we basically was able to film everyone's lines in one day. The only thing was the half day because of the Keystone testing and a class trip through our class time off. The most meaningful part of creating this PSA was seeing how my group was able to work with me when I was caught because I was absent.
Natural Disasters and Earth System Research (Wildfire)
Q4 Project Slideshow
For my quarter one project I created my own website. With this project to start off the year I was able to create my own website the proper way. The goal of this project was to familiarize myself with website editing and design that would provide a place for me to showcase the work I did this year. I believe that this project was successful. Even though it was difficult at first it turned out to be great. I learn how important color schemes are for websites. Also, what to do and not to do on a website. So in the end it was very successful! For my quarter two project I chose the image editing project. With this project I was able to learn how to edit images to create something new. The goals of this project was to give the image a voice in a way. Also, teach yourself how to edit images on your own. I believe this project was very successful. I wind up doing 3 images rather than 1. I learned how to use a different image editing called pixlar. Now i’m a pro at it! In addition to that, I received a passing grade and great feedback about my images. So with that being said it was a successful project. I learned so much!
For my quarter three project I chose to do the video project. I decided to stick with is a Hair and Skin video. From doing this project I hoped to learn more about editing and getting better with filming. Which I did learn after all! Before making my video I was gonna use Wevideo. But, since I was using an IPhone 6s plus to film my videos I used IMovie. I have never used IMovie before and I love it I picked it up really quick. I learned things like changing the colors of my video like making them brighter and cleaning the video a little more. The successes that I had was putting this video together at the last minute. The major failure that I had was the same as always is procrastination. I overcame my failure by pushing myself to do it. Getting my interim reports really pushed me t o this also knowing that grade close very soon helped as well. I learned that I procrastinate way too much. I always wait to the last minute. This happens with every project. I revised this image in my project because I thought that this image need more and it was too dull. So I sharpened and smoothed it out and changed the radius.
I think my high point of this course is the project statements because I was able to see where I need to focus and change throughout the course. Also, giving myself constructive criticism and explaining to other what i struggled with. In addition, readings other peer review about mines and gaining from their feedback. My growth throughout this whole course is video editing. It helped me so much! I knew a little about video editing from wevideo but i learned more by pushing my luck with imovie. I used my video editing skill to teach myself how to use Final Cut Pro X. Which can go a long way for me when I start my YouTube Channel. One project that I think that would help a lot of student’s next year is, learn how to use FInal Cut Pro X and teach how to use it next year. Tip 1 would be DON'T PROCRASTINATE! Tip 2 is Stay on top of checkpoints. Tip 3 is have fun and try your best.
Food Matters
Q3 Media and Design
The first thing I did was procrastinate for about a week. (lol). After that I went from one topic to another. I went to doing challenges from my favorite youtubers then doing a dance video. Until I decided to do a Hair and Skin video at the last minute. It took me about two days to complete this video. I had fun filming it and putting it together. In Addition, learning how to use IMovie was a lot of fun.
I would start it right away. I would pick one topic and stick with it. Next, film and edit ahead of time. Also, No Procrastinating!
Image Editing
For my quarter two project I decided to do the image design project. From this project I hope to learn how to better my image editing skills. Before I knew a little bit about editing images. Only because when I wanted to post a picture on social media depending on the image I would add a filter and such. When doing things of that nature I would use an image editing app called PicsArt. But, when doing this project I learned about a new software called Pixlr. At first it was challenging because I never used it before. After playing around with it I taught myself how to merge images and I thought that was cool. Learning how to take two images to make a completely new one.
When first starting this project I had trouble. So to start off I had to select the images I wanted to edit. That’s where I had some trouble. I had trouble because it was hard to find a copyright free image. Next, I had to find a software to edit my photos I chose.
My success would be creating three different images in one day. Also, learning how to use a new program on my own. One major failure would be not turning my checkpoints in on time. I think i would overcome this by doing checkpoints ahead of time instead of the last moment.
The biggest thing I learned was learning how to merge images and blurring certain areas of the images. I learned that I have a very keen eye for abstract art. If I had to do this project differently I would stop trying to crm everything in at one time. I would do things in a time consuming matter. Don’t be scared to make mistake and be creative! It inspired me to edit more images on my spare time. Other than the images which is copyright free then no. There is no Proper citations for any work that isn’t mines. I really didn’t have a message to convey. But, this project did give me the ability to get a better understanding of image editing.
Media and Design Website
In this project I created a website for media and design class. You will see things like what I do for fun, school projects and what I have planed for my future. In this project I hoped to learn how to build a better website for future reference. While doing this project I learned just that but I still have things to learn and work on. This project was very eye opening! This project was somewhat of a long process. We had many checkpoints leading up to the final submission. First we had to complete our homepage. We had to make it look eye catching and easy to navigate. After that we had to work on the following pages to complete our website. Homepage, About me, Resume, Project those are the thing we needed to complete it. Adding a contact page was optional. I added a gallery page which included pictures of me and things I mentioned. I did that because I felt like I didn't have enough pictures on my website. This is basically the process we had to take to complete this project.
I think I did really well with the design aspect of it. Now when it came to the navigation on the homepage I did really well on. But, on the rest of my pages I didn’t add any easy way to go to other pages. I think I did very poor on turning the checkpoints in time. To overcome that I made sure that i completed the checkpoint of head of time. Throughout the whole doing the whole project the main thing that I learned was how to build a website and add more eye catching things. One main thing that I learn about myself is that I suck at writing about myself. Two things that I would do differently about this project is turning things on time and asking for help with making my site easier to navigate. One tip that I would give is don’t Procrastinate! This project inspired me to make a website for my crocheting. All pictures are mine but, the poem from Shel Silverstein and the quote from Erykah Badu are not mines. This everything I got from my project. Thanks for viewing!
Travel Agency!
La Poesía Española
Escribe (mínimo) ocho oraciones completas en español sobre el/la poeta: Por ejemplo; su vida personal o profesional, su éxito…
Julia Álvarez nació el 27 de marzo de 1950. Ella es un poeta y novelista Domínico-Americana. Julia nació en Nueva York pero ella pasó sus primeros diez años y fue criado en la República Dominicana. Ella familia fue forzado a salir del país debido a su padre actitud rebelde contra la política. La mayor parte de su obra refleja profundamente sobre las cuestiones de la asimilación y la identidad. Cada cosa que ella ha escrito insistir de cinco novelas, un libro de ensayos, cuatro colecciones de poesía, cuatro libros infantiles, y dos obras de ficción para adolescentes. Ella ha recibido donaciones del Fondo Nacional de las artes y de la Ingram Merrill Foundation. Algunos de sus trabajos fue presentado en una exhibición. Julia también recibió el premio de la Academia de Lamont de poetas americanos en 1974.
Escribe (mínimo) ocho oraciones completas en español sobre tu vida personal o académica, tu éxito...
Yo muy devolví criatura cuándo yo más joven. Yo extrañé mucho más de escuela también quedó atrás en escuela. También la estoy mucho difícil para me a coger al alza con la otro criatura. Especialmente en matemáticas, mi abuela y mamá obtenido mi tutor después tutor. Nosotros aún Sylvain después un mientras yo obtenido la colgar de cosa. Yo nunca fui un matemáticas wiz. Siempre yo tenido una pasión en el aprendizaje de diferentes idiomas, viajar, bailar y ayudar a los demás. Los idiomas que quiero seguir aprendiendo son chinos, coreanos, japoneses y ASL. Espero viajar a Corea del Sur, China y Tokio, Japón. Yo tenido buenas calificaciones a lo largo de la escuela primaria y la secundaria. Yo vivido en el mismo entorno por casi 16 años. Mi mamá era una estancia en casa teníamos muchos problemas financieros. Mi abuelo y mi abuela siempre estaba allí para ayudarnos. Ahora mi mamá es un presentador de radio . Me siento tan orgulloso de su verla haciendo lo que ama y también haciendo mejor en la vida. Asistí a SLA@Beeber pero actualmente no estoy haciendo bien académicamente mi mamá estaba muy decepcionado de mí. Ahora hay una gran posibilidad de que yo no voy a ser tendencia el año próximo. Lo que me hace muy triste. Mi mayor logro en la vida es llegar a asistir a un taller de baile por primera vez. Con el ex miembro del grupo D.Woods de Danity Kane. Tengo muchas metas en mi vida. Quiero convertirme en youtube. Pero la mayoría de todos ir a la escuela para ser un pediatra y vive en Los Ángeles, California, por dos años.
Incluye un poema escrito de la/del poeta en español:
Nos seguimos viniendo a esta parte
de la historia donde estamos tristes:
yo he roto con mi verdadero amor
hombre tras hombre.
Usted ha encontrado.
Una vez, era Dios.
Una vez, la revolución
en el tercer mundo.
Ahora,'s amor.
Sobrevivirás, nuestras madres dijeron
al romance fue una vez.
Ahora mantienen apretados caras
para nuestras visitas Inicio
y sus amigos
, ha confundido a todos que
la educación
todos esos poemas.
Tienen, nos reímos,
y comprar los sueños —
Redbook, House Beautiful,
Vogue y Mademoiselle —
leer nuestras historias en ellos
y enviar los recortes de la página.
A veces la persecución brillante
de amantes de ad en un conjunto de Prado
nos vende a creer otra vez
en esa trama gastada de amor...
Tristemente, pasamos la página de
a nuestros corazones,
conocer nuestras vidas bien demasiado
para ser las heroínas
de historias de nuestras madres.
Somos cuidadosos con las palabras
que elija, los amores con no devuelve
como las queríamos.
Tías a los niños de nuestras hermanas,
traemos los monstruos de goma cocoricó, poemas de cumpleaños de
pegados en los álbumes cada vez más.
Escribe (mínimo) ocho oraciones completas en español del poema. ¿Cuales son tus reflexiones del poema? ¿Los temas?:
Siento que este poema refleja mucho en su vida amorosa. Dos temas que realmente sobresale como un dolor de dedo pulgar es amor y él sean infelices. Al principio ella comienza diciendo, "Nos siguen llegando a esta parte de la historia que nos estás triste: He roto con mi amor verdadero hombre tras hombre." Sólo mediante la lectura de esta primera parte del poema puede llegar bastante la idea de qué poema se acerca. Creo que el punto estaba haciendo el amor no es siempre lo que parece. En la poema, sentía que su corazón se ha roto varias veces. Ella también afecta a cómo son las madres siempre tratan de aliviar nuestro dolor de angustia por contarnos todo va a estar bien. También cómo la sociedad no nos dan una imagen ideal de lo que realmente es la amor. Cuando Julia dijo " Yo he roto con mi amor verdadero hombre después del hombre",significa que ella pensó cada hombre fue su verdadero amor pero nunca resultó ser. Julia utiliza una gran cantidad de imágenes de todo el poema. Este poema excelente trabajo dejando que los lectores como yo sea capaz de tener una visión de la realidad de lo que se supone que ama y el amor no es como lo hacen parecer en las revistas, películas y espectáculos.
Escribe tu versión del poema en español. Necesita (mínimo) diez oraciones completas en español. (Necesita el título en español)
Sin Lugar a Dudas
es como aprender a andar en bicicleta.
Usted caída de conseguir encima y vuelva a intentarlo o bien renunciar completamente.
"Lo siento nunca sucedería otra vez", "Te extraño" es todo lo que escucho de ti.
sigo ponerme a través de este con la esperanza cada vez será diferente.
Nuestro estado es diferente cada día "En una relación", "Solo" entonces eres nuevo donde lo dejamos "es complicado".
Constantemente digo yo "Estoy cansado de esto no necesita esto no necesita".
Algo está sosteniendo yo aquí contigo.
me quedo todo sólo para escuchar su lamentable excusa "Lo siento que te necesito", "he estado pasando por algunas cosas".
Otra vez, una y otra vez estoy atrapado aquí, sin nada.
grité para que me ama y nunca molestó para venir a escuchar.
Qué triste, qué indigna me hiciste parecer debo dejaron lugar a dudas en lugar de este falso enamoramiento que llamamos amor.
creo que la mentira más grande tu me dijiste que encabeza todo es
te amo
Conversational PowerPoint
Día de los Muertos
Reflection Paper
The love one that I decided to do for Día de los Muertos was my aunt. Her name was Jacquleine Brocco I called her aunt Jackie so did all her other nieces and nephews. She meant so much to me. She was much fun to be with we would always laugh and dance. She was so easy to talk to. My aunt jackie was a great mother, sister, cousin, wife and aunt. She was so lovable. Losing her took a toll on everyone's lives. Especially her children and sister. My aunt was like my Best friend I could tell anything. She gave the best advice when it came to school and she never sugar coated anything for us. Also,even if came to something we was going through she would give us some type of advice to help us or to ease our minds. I decided to create my sugar skull in remembrance of her because I miss her so much. I've could've did my cousin instead we were close but I felt closer to my aunt. Even though it’s been a couple years it still hurts and I miss her so much. So making a sugar skull wasn't a morning thing it help me to remember who she was and to show what type of person she was. For those who didn't know her. Also, remembering someone who has passed doesn't have to be a mourning thing. So making this sugar skull in remberce of her helped me to see that.
My sugar skull reflected the things she liked and what she wanted to do. The orange and brown feathers represent Thanksgiving. My aunt Jackie loved Thanksgiving she would always have my mom cook. We would have all my cousin over. She loved her family and this time of year. When she past it just wasn't the same. During Thanksgiving we would have our family drama but she would always try to find a way to ignore or make it funny. Sometimes she would play music and blast it through the house and start dancing. Sometimes do this loud obnoxious laugh and me and my cousins would always join in laughing and seeing who had the weirdest laugh or who could laugh louder. The reason I gave my skull purple hair is because she had a lot of hair. When she would wet is it would get super curly, when it would start to dry it’ll still be curly but get really big and puff. We would all laugh and call her Diana Ross, She would always give us this look like really guys. Another reason why I chose purple hair instead of Black is because she always talked about dying her hair purple. My older cousin would always debate with her the color she should get. We all thought Purple would be too much. On my sugar skull I place one silver sequin on the left cheek because my aunt only had one dimple on her left cheek. My aunt's children, sister and brother all had dimples but they had both on both cheeks. She the only one in the bunch that had only one dimple. I always thought that made her pretty unique. The reason I painted my skull yellow was because she was light skin.
Día de los Muertos really Opened up my mind. After doing various ways of researching what Día de los Muertos is and doing a Día de los Muertos of my own by creating a mask and a skull really helped. It helped me to see that when your loved one dies you can have a way remembering who they are without it having to be sad. So doing this sugar skull and masked helped me to see that. When doing it I thought it was going to be very emotional but surprisingly it wasn’t. It felt pretty good to talk about her and not it being emotional. Now I know a different cultural way of remembering my aunt. In my family we always block of our street on the day she passed and eat dance in remembrance of her. All the friends and family come around then towards the end we go and light candles and let balloons go. Día de los Muertos is a very good cultural alternative way to remember your loved ones and knowing how other cultures deal with the death of their loved ones without it being emotional. Día de los Muertos really opened up my mind to remember my aunt Jackie. In addition, to Día de los Muertos helping me understand this I would highly recommend others to try this to remember loved ones who have passed.
Me llamo Ashton. La persona yo elegir está por Día de los Muertos, está mí tía Jackie.
Mí tía Jackie es de Filadelfia. Ella somos afroamericano y puertorriqueña.
Mi tía es una quedarse en casa madre. Ella querido su hijos. Sus llamo es Jamod, Jalyke y Jasper.
Ella son joven y bello. Mí tía es baja. Ella es también loca, creativa, inteligente and aplicada. Ella es muy amorosa y cálida. Ella siempre querido útil gente si podía. Mí tía es a fuerte mentalmente.
Ella es veintisiete cuando ella morir. Yo ella tan mucho. Cuando yo escuchó ese ella morir yo están devastado. Su muerte made hecho saber eso es vida también corta. Yo desear ella está aúa vivo. Ella está como mí mejor amigo.
Este proyecto está mucho diversión. Eso no hacer mí triste eso mí feliz. Yo sentido buena de acordarse la buena tiempo ese nosotros pasar.
Anne Spencer
What inspires you to pursue your goals in life?
My children have become my motivation to complete my goals in life, so that I can lead by example teaching them through through love to work hard never give up and to stick to what’s your passion in life.
If you could go back and change one thing what would it be?
Not following my passion to learn more about plant studies after I graduated school. I've always loved working with creative things, and could have been more successful had I went to college and took up my studies.
One thing you would like to do before you die?
Own my business as a Master Gardener. My business locator 2 growing carnivorous plants growing herbs to make teas and using seeds to repopulate endangered bog environments.
How do you view the world?
I view the world as a creative outlet of untapped potential. So many of us on this side of the World are given the tools and essentials to become some of the greatest pupils in life but we distract ourselves with entertainment and materialism and lose focus what are personal goals by focusing on social media.
About yourself:........
I am a proud father of three young ladies and I am improving my life by going back to school to pursue my career as a Master Gardener. With hopes of owning my own business in the future and creating a business that will provide wealth for my children even after I'm gone.