Meiosis and Mitosis Cell Division Project

Within this video, we approached a way to convey our understanding of the processes of mitosis and meiosis which are both systems of cell division vital for bodily functions and animal reproduction. This process was presented by coloured pipe cleaner and molding dough in order to use simple visuals for an easier understanding of a complex process. My contribution to the project was taking pictures for the meiosis part 1 and 2 and the setting up of the pipe cleaners and molding dough for the project. I think I did well in design-wise for the project and in taking photos for meiosis as they stay center and consistent as possible i could have helped with editing and voice over as I had no part in them and could have lightened the load for my partner. I loved learning about each process in-depth and understanding it way more because of that obtained knowledge from this project.
