Mercury Exposure PSA

My group and I chose Mercury Exposure as our topic for the content of our video. We talked about the cause of the problem, who and how the environment is affected and how different regions are working to take care of the problem. The most common way people in the U.S. are exposed to mercury is by eating fish containing methylmercury.  Philadelphia workers are practicing mercury free dentistry, when people get their teeth filled there is mercury found in the filling so they want to exempt this so that no one is affected.

I did the first checkpoint on my own which is where all the information came from to do the following checkpoints, I also finished the checkpoint early so that there was extra time left just in case the group needed more time making the video. This helped with checkpoint two and three because since the information was already researched, we could then make up questions that were already answered in the first checkpoint.

Something I did well was finish the first checkpoint to help my group excel and something I wish I would have done more of is spoke in the video but my group member had the ideas for the video so I didn’t need to speak as much.

The most meaning part of the video I would say is that mercury exposure goes unnoticed while it is actually as dangerous as lead being in the water pipes inside of our schools and homes. I’d say people need to be more mindful of what they consume as well as just doing some general research on the environment.
