Mine Turtle


I decided to make a project in the 3D sculpture category because it’s a medium that I’ve never really tried out before and I wanted to broaden my horizons. This particular piece was me wanting to make a character from a web series I watch named mine turtle. I think it mainly shows that when you make art it doesn't have to be perfect but it must have meaning. I think the main thing I took away from this is how to work with aluminum safely and well. This specific piece is like nothing I’ve done before, I have always been a fan of painting so sculpting was a big step away from that. I was trying to make it like the figures of vehicles made from soda cans that have been really popular lately. I made this by cutting up pieces of aluminum seltzer cans and hot glueing them to each other, while it was difficult it worked well with a little extra effort. This piece isn’t really meant to make anyone feel any specific feeling just to let them see a fun little project that I had fun making. Overall it was a fun project that was somewhat difficult but ended up nicer than I thought it would.
