My Capstone xoxo

For my capstone, my good friend Haajirah and I decided we would write a bunch of poetry for young girls who are going through things. It was decided 11th grade year while we were talking to a friend. It has sections for each stage girls go through when they are heartbroken. While I was at my lowest, I was hardly able to talk to anyone. Nobody knew how I actually felt because I’m not that good at expressing myself verbally. Instead I started writing poetry, putting all of my feelings in writing. Being as though I was immensely satisfied with the turn out of that, I would encourage other teenage girls who are going through things to also write poetry. Without poetry I was unable to focus on schoolwork and other important things. This caused my grades to slip and nobody deserves to go through what went through. This process has been amazing for me, just knowing that in the end I would contribute to the flourishing of many young girls.
