My Electric Art Project

Artist Statement ​

I made this sculpture to represent how I view my brain. I believe my brain is the worst and best element of myself. Therefore, to portray this I had colorful lights that are bright to the good part of my brain, which is my intelligence, creativity, and all good qualities of myself. The plain white bulbs in the elements are in series and are dim on purpose to represent the bad qualities of myself or the worst. These represent my mental illness, less kind side, and all the other horrible qualities that I do not like about myself. I wanted these qualities to be seen like a ying yang sign, the good in the bad and the bad in the good because in my brain you can't seem to have a good quality without a bad one to accompany it and vice versa. I wanted this sculpture to completely represent me and how I am a mixture of both and sometimes one may overpower the other. I wanted for to see a look inside my brain.
