My Social Media Survival Guide

Online I try my best to appear as mature and respectful as possible. Because of the past arguments and photos that I have posted in the past people may have viewed me as, fun, outgoing, crazy, and/or “too grown.” Now that I am much more aware of what I post now people may see me as, respectful, mature, and/or hard-working.

Consider these 3 questions before posting online….

  1. Will my college dean like what they see when searching me?

  2. Will my boss/supervisor like what they see when searching me?

  3. Is this the way my parents raised me?

Keep in mind that every and anything that you post online  is immediately out of your control and now that is permanently online and saved into your computer. Unless you personally make your accounts private any and every one is able to see what you post.

There are always pros and cons to everything. Pros about being and posting online is that, people are able to get information and stay in contact with friends/family. But… Cons about online is depending on how you say certain things people can get offended, you could also lose your job or not even get the job, and lastly you could not get into the college of your choice.

Comments (3)

Shaylyn Westmoreland (Student 2019)
Shaylyn Westmoreland

I enjoy the quality and depth of this blog post. You included a lot of information on how to be safe on the internet. I enjoyed the questions you included. They help me better consider what I post.