Natural Disasters and Earth Systems Research

The earth systems that we were researching are geosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere. A few ways that they affect or interact with each other; Evaporation from the hydrosphere causes clouds and rain in the atmosphere. The atmosphere brings the rain back to the hydrosphere. The atmosphere provides energy for the biosphere. When a volcano erupts gas and ash is released into the air (atmosphere) which also kills the plants and makes it difficult for the animals in the area to find food (biosphere) when it gets to the water it warms the water up (hydrosphere) also the eruptions are strong enough to change, destroy and create new rocks. An understanding of environmental science aid in handling natural disasters, by giving you a heads up on what to do if one happened. All we can do is stay on high alert of we are ever near any volcanoes. I was so amazed by how much these natural disasters affect the earth systems

