Nazeerah McGeorge -Tornado

Atmosphere: The cool air along with heavy rain then forms spinning air currents inside the cloud which could drop down from the clouds forming a tornado.

Geosphere: These strong winds can pick up rocks affecting the geosphere

Biosphere: Strong winds can pick up rocks and can injure the biosphere such as humans, animals, and plants.

Hydrosphere: Tornadoes, which are violently rotating columns of air extending from the bottom of a severe thunderstorm, have very little impact on the hydrosphere. Tornadoes are small in both their areal coverage and in their duration, usually lasting about 10 minutes on average.

Understanding what causes tornadoes and understanding how they can affect the environment allows you to be able to react properly if ever in a situation where you need to be prepared for a tornado. In order to create a sustainable future, changes in human behavior would definitely have to happen to be as though, climate and global warming are greatly impacting the planet and the earth’s system cycles.

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