Oil Spills PSA

Summary: This video is meant to be used a direct message to our government and politicians. We use this video to present the issue of Oil Spills and how the affect our livelihood along with the ecosystem. We chose this topic because in order to have a healthy life we must have healthy water, without water we will not survive and as this threat of oil spills grows, now is the perfect time to present this issue to a broader scale. We show the real life affects of oil spills, an interview with a man who lives in a coastal town where oil spills have decremented his way of life, and we show the horrific sight of how animals are endangered by these spills.

What did you do well and what could you have done differently?

I believe that we were able to bring together a good amount of ideas and it was easy to collaborate and make a successful idea, I wish we would’ve had better communication and timeliness on completing checkpoints

What was the most meaningful part of the experience of creating the PSA?

Realizing that this is probably the last video that I will make in high school and this issue is a part of my future life so I want to create a video that showed I truly care about my future and how it needs to be changed so that I can enjoy it along with the people besides me
