One Point Perspective

In my room, I drew for furniture, a bed,  a drawer, a door, and a window. For accessories, I drew a wooden floor, a carpet, a light switch, a fan, a charger, medals, and a fan. I have learned that one point perspective all must go back to the same point. Unless there is another point, everything must go to one, or it will look funny. I am the most proud of the bed. The circle design I did by mistake. I was trying out the design, but pushed down too hard with the pencil. So what I did was color over it, to make the erased circles pop. I wish I had more time to fix my room. The whole thing is a bit lopsided, and when you notice it, it looks weird. However, it looks fine when you don't notice it. A tip is to not rush. If you rush, some parts won't click, making the drawing look sloppy, and strange.

