Progression of medialab and owl room /My quest on learning how to podcast

For my capstone project, I embarked on a journey to establish and document the progression of our school’s media lab while exploring the art of podcasting. The project involved several key components, including setting up the media lab with the necessary equipment, conducting faux podcast episodes as experimentation, and starting production of my how to podcast series (the first episode will be published on June 10th). Throughout the process, I learned valuable skills and gained insights into the world of podcasting. Setting up the media lab required careful planning, research, and collaboration with community leader Zoe S. (Thinktink CEO) to ensure we had the right tools and resources. There was a lot of trial and error with getting the room to a desirable space in which we could all use it for our digital creation, but I feel like it is in a state that will make it a room that will stick around as long as the community stands by it. This all provided valuable learning opportunities, teaching me the importance of technical proficiency, effective communication, and the ability to collaborate with others while doing something you love. Ultimately, this capstone project allowed me to witness the growth and transformation of our media lab while honing my podcasting skills. It provided me with a deeper understanding of the power of audio storytelling and the technical aspects of podcast production while opening the door for the people at my school to have a place with all the equipment they need for digital creativity

