Q1 Benchmark

In this quarter we learned about what we do to affect the earth and explored ways we could help. Our benchmark was to pick an industry and make a sustainable business that could be eco-friendly. My group chose the food industry since it had a huge impact on the earth, however, we had to focus on a specific part of the food industry since it was such a broad topic. We created a bakery that would focus on using its own materials that would be friendly to the environment instead of harming it. The food industry impacts all of the earth’s spheres, for example, the production of food releases harmful chemicals and CO2 into the atmosphere which is a factor of climate change. Each sphere affects one another since they are all connected, if the atmosphere is harmed then it could also harm the biosphere or any other. We need to make more sustainable choices and it can be the smallest thing to help the environment like supporting organizations that are creating more sustainable options for people to choose from. Here is a picture of the bakery we created.

