Q1 Portrait Project

This picture features a portrait of me and the things I love and like around me. It starts off with my disfigured face in the middle of the paper. I filled out my lips the most here to focus on the meaning of communication and words and I also made a single eye bigger than the face to represent the future and the mindset I have in life. I made sure the body and head colors were true to real life so that the viewer could understand what I was trying to draw. Directly to the right of the head there is a series of music notes which represent my love for music and my passion for music. I made sure to run the vision rays coming through my eyes through the music note to show my focus on music.Then directly above the head is my brain which is outside of the head to represent out of the box thoughts and the bubbles are thoughts forming and flowing through the air or my mind. Everything in the picture ends up in a puddle that takes up the majority of the bottom half. This puddle is supposed to be me and everything that amounts to me. 

I decided to use color pencils in order to outline the little things with great detail. I used lots of random figures and out of the box ideas to represent my portrait which could only be described to be similar to the work of Pablo Picasso. I think our elements and abstract mindsets are very similar when it comes to our pictures. From the time I started this project to the time I finished I learned to just go with the flow, ideas will keep flowing and spilling on the paper as you go. I’ve been very proud of my great amount of detail and thought but I would love to change the colors so that the idea was better represented. 

In all, I've learned how to start my work in the most efficient way while also being able to represent current thoughts along with accurate representations.
