Q2 Benchmark Littering PSA

For our quarter two benchmark, my group and I decided to make a PSA about littering. Although part of the beginning sounds more like a PSA to minimize the use of plastic bottle we later go into more depth on what litter can do to our environment. One of the reasons we chose to do this topic was because Philadelphia has a big littering problem and we wanted to raise awareness on how it is affecting our environment. In the process of this project, I helped with gathering information to put together in a slide show and filming parts of the skit. Something I thought we did well was including humor into a serious topic. However, towards the end, it feels like we threw together all of the pieces we were missing from the rubric into the slides instead of incorporating it into the skit. I think that the most meaningful of creating this PSA was learning more about how litter not only affects the living organisms such as humans and animals, but also the soil and plants.

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXWl1N-0Au4&feature=youtu.be
