Q3 Artist Statement [D Band] project 3 Sculpture/3D of Diana and her forest

By Tania Crowell

I decided to create a flower and a tree because I wanted to create sculpture of the beautiful Roman goddess Diana.  She is the goddess of nature and the hunt.  For this project I had to create a sculpture that was 3 dimensional and that required me doing craten checkpoints. I was trying to create a scene in which Diana the Roman goddess of nature and the hunt is in a mini world of her.I believe that the viewers that see my  work of Diana will see artwork that shows  naturalistic . I believe that also they will notice the fact that I really captured her in her natural state of being . I think that my viewers will like the fact that i incorporated a roman  mythological goddess. I makes the art have more meaning. The art is very self expressed a roman woman goddess bring and taking life for the world. When understanding my art they will feel like i'm teaching them and giving them a better sense of knowledge.

I don't think I have exactly achieved my  creation of this benchmark. I believe that I could have made a mistake of using a box to hold the  life and world of Diana -  I believe it looks very dark. That was not my intention so I don't really believe that I did a good job on making it really nice and colorful and forestry. I believe that this relates to work that I have previously worked on. In 9th grade I took Physics, we were working on making a something creative that used the little light bulbs that used 4 batteries, and writing a paper on how the circulation of one 4 batteries light up one little light bulb. I decided for that project I was going to make a solar system -  using the light bulbs as little solar systems. I think that it relates to my 9th grade project because it is kind of the same idea of making a litte life or world.

For this project I started by looking at sculptures that I could get inspired by.  That day I was kind of in the mood for making something relating to goddesses so later I decided to illustrate a tiny world of Diana the Roman goddess of nature. After I found what I wanted to make as a sculpture, I drew it out. So I illustrated  it. I drew a woman in all gold surrounded by the forest. I knew that if I wanted to make something like this I needed to get materials. I talked to my mom about going to some art supply store. She took me to Michael's Art Supply store so I could make this project. I got plants and grass because I knew that was the supplies that I needed more. Then I got this wood doll  to represent my goddess Diana. Then I was looking  at these cool boxes that are used to put memories for people, I decided to use it as a world for the goddess Diana. Then when I went to class I put it all together I put the the wood doll in bowl of  got gold sparkles and dipped her in it so that she would be all golden . Then I cradled her little world by using the grass and cutting it to the exact size to the box and then I started cutting the flowers. Then I got a background of the clouds so the place looked realistic. After that I made the weapons that greek goddess diana holes in the statue that is in the art museum. I also got wood sticks to make trees for the forest, I got the sticks and spray paint and made the trees brown and used wire to attach them all together.  That's how I made the sculpture and the mini world of Diana. The sources that really  inspired me to make this world of Diana was her story, what she was and her part in the Roman mythology world. I believe that my project does resemble somewhat of the  images that I saw online of her, for example is in this link.

1.https://www.google.com/search?q=Diana+greek+goddess&safe=active&rlz=1CADEAA_enUS709US709&espv=2&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiBo-HG4OXSAhUC4iYKHVFiAjoQ_AUIBigB&biw=1366&bih=630#safe=active&tbm=isch&q=a+woman+standing+in+the+forest+with+arrow&*&imgrc=KkYpqISvXS7bbM: 2.https://docs.google.com/a/slabeeber.org/document/d/1w2MvjLQQk73OZun3MAlZtA8is8xp41Qqun8kGPySULA/edit?usp=sharing

I don't believe that it reflects the world you live in now because we have a lot of free land that is natural but life and it has evolved has changed drastically  we have cities that have made us humans not really care for earth or the forest.  The forest is something that I have always connected to because I got to the wood with my mom every weekend with our friend Celia and her dogs. So I would say that I really appreciate the woods and Dina which orchestrates my whole project. I think that my art can  influence and make an impact on the world because it shows the beauty of the Diana, and her history of the Roman mythology world..  She tells a good  story on how she has a big part in the world by controlling the life of animals and life itself.  Diana has the  power to talk to and control animals. That's why I believe that Diana story is a good to know about , like my art work.  So for making a three dimensional project I had to make something 3D so I made a great goddess and instead of being normal and painting her I decided to make her gold with using gold sparkles, that I got at the art supply store. It’s impacted my whole project because she ended up standing out really well in my forest . Some new technique that I learned and experimented with while doing this project was thing out of the box. I had to use materials that i wasn't as familiar as I am usual.  So wall I was making Diana I would usually would draw it and make it out clay but I decided for this project I would use a wood doll and make her heir out of clay and then hot glow gun the her war materials. I used grass as well to make this project to make a scenery for my tree, so yeah that's why I feel like this was a fun learning experience.
