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Q3 Artist Statement [D Band] project 3 Sculpture/3D of Diana and her forest
By Tania Crowell
I decided to create a flower and a tree because I wanted to create sculpture of the beautiful Roman goddess Diana. She is the goddess of nature and the hunt. For this project I had to create a sculpture that was 3 dimensional and that required me doing craten checkpoints. I was trying to create a scene in which Diana the Roman goddess of nature and the hunt is in a mini world of her.I believe that the viewers that see my work of Diana will see artwork that shows naturalistic . I believe that also they will notice the fact that I really captured her in her natural state of being . I think that my viewers will like the fact that i incorporated a roman mythological goddess. I makes the art have more meaning. The art is very self expressed a roman woman goddess bring and taking life for the world. When understanding my art they will feel like i'm teaching them and giving them a better sense of knowledge.
I don't think I have exactly achieved my creation of this benchmark. I believe that I could have made a mistake of using a box to hold the life and world of Diana - I believe it looks very dark. That was not my intention so I don't really believe that I did a good job on making it really nice and colorful and forestry. I believe that this relates to work that I have previously worked on. In 9th grade I took Physics, we were working on making a something creative that used the little light bulbs that used 4 batteries, and writing a paper on how the circulation of one 4 batteries light up one little light bulb. I decided for that project I was going to make a solar system - using the light bulbs as little solar systems. I think that it relates to my 9th grade project because it is kind of the same idea of making a litte life or world.
For this project I started by looking at sculptures that I could get inspired by. That day I was kind of in the mood for making something relating to goddesses so later I decided to illustrate a tiny world of Diana the Roman goddess of nature. After I found what I wanted to make as a sculpture, I drew it out. So I illustrated it. I drew a woman in all gold surrounded by the forest. I knew that if I wanted to make something like this I needed to get materials. I talked to my mom about going to some art supply store. She took me to Michael's Art Supply store so I could make this project. I got plants and grass because I knew that was the supplies that I needed more. Then I got this wood doll to represent my goddess Diana. Then I was looking at these cool boxes that are used to put memories for people, I decided to use it as a world for the goddess Diana. Then when I went to class I put it all together I put the the wood doll in bowl of got gold sparkles and dipped her in it so that she would be all golden . Then I cradled her little world by using the grass and cutting it to the exact size to the box and then I started cutting the flowers. Then I got a background of the clouds so the place looked realistic. After that I made the weapons that greek goddess diana holes in the statue that is in the art museum. I also got wood sticks to make trees for the forest, I got the sticks and spray paint and made the trees brown and used wire to attach them all together. That's how I made the sculpture and the mini world of Diana. The sources that really inspired me to make this world of Diana was her story, what she was and her part in the Roman mythology world. I believe that my project does resemble somewhat of the images that I saw online of her, for example is in this link.
1.https://www.google.com/search?q=Diana+greek+goddess&safe=active&rlz=1CADEAA_enUS709US709&espv=2&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiBo-HG4OXSAhUC4iYKHVFiAjoQ_AUIBigB&biw=1366&bih=630#safe=active&tbm=isch&q=a+woman+standing+in+the+forest+with+arrow&*&imgrc=KkYpqISvXS7bbM: 2.https://docs.google.com/a/slabeeber.org/document/d/1w2MvjLQQk73OZun3MAlZtA8is8xp41Qqun8kGPySULA/edit?usp=sharing
I don't believe that it reflects the world you live in now because we have a lot of free land that is natural but life and it has evolved has changed drastically we have cities that have made us humans not really care for earth or the forest. The forest is something that I have always connected to because I got to the wood with my mom every weekend with our friend Celia and her dogs. So I would say that I really appreciate the woods and Dina which orchestrates my whole project. I think that my art can influence and make an impact on the world because it shows the beauty of the Diana, and her history of the Roman mythology world.. She tells a good story on how she has a big part in the world by controlling the life of animals and life itself. Diana has the power to talk to and control animals. That's why I believe that Diana story is a good to know about , like my art work. So for making a three dimensional project I had to make something 3D so I made a great goddess and instead of being normal and painting her I decided to make her gold with using gold sparkles, that I got at the art supply store. It’s impacted my whole project because she ended up standing out really well in my forest . Some new technique that I learned and experimented with while doing this project was thing out of the box. I had to use materials that i wasn't as familiar as I am usual. So wall I was making Diana I would usually would draw it and make it out clay but I decided for this project I would use a wood doll and make her heir out of clay and then hot glow gun the her war materials. I used grass as well to make this project to make a scenery for my tree, so yeah that's why I feel like this was a fun learning experience.
The Long and Lean Ballerina
I chose to do Limited Palette Painting project because it was a challenge for me. It was a challenge because of the thought of using only 3 colors to do a painting was different from how I usually do work with paint. When I chose to do this project I looked at examples of people's work that used only using 3 colors. I saw a pattern with people doing lots of nudes/skin tone so that kinda gave me an idea in how to make a ballerina. I know that ballerinas dresses can be a simple white . This painting was very different and fun to try out.
My vision for my work was making a ballerina that was the most realistic and detailed as possible. What I wanted to communicate to the viewer was the skill of a dancer. In the painting I wanted to capture a moment of her performance when she's standing still before she continues to dance again. I believe that my creation achieved uniqueness. When I was creating this art piece I wanted to make it look its best and stand out from other artists in my classroom. I did that by of course having a different canvas (wood board) and capturing a ballerina dancer performing on her tippy-toes. I believe that my current work does not relate to my previous work because it had different directions in how I did the artwork, for example the first art piece was on making a color wheel and the one that I just did with the ballerina was limited colors only 3. Both projects are very different. Both art pieces to relate on the way of using paint. I believe that MIKHAIL BARYSHNIKOV and Alli te Espero, 2003 really relate to my artwork.
In one of the paintings that MIKHAIL BARYSHNIKOV did called Untitled #7, 2008 is this beautiful simple painting. I has nice mix of grays and blacks and browns that I believe relate to my artwork. I believe that he really captured the movement of the dancer and my art peace didn't really show movement but it should a women in mid air dancing. I really wanted to capture her silhouette and her dance routine in a moment. In my painting I did not find that the face was important but I wanted expres the body and the movement, you can see she's stopping from a spin. I believe that this connects to MIKHAIL BARYSHNIKOV because he doesn't really have her face in the painting at all. In BERNARDO TORRENS art work called Alli te Espero, 2003 , the artwork I think it relates to my art work because in how he has the same materials that I use such as wood canvas. The naked women has the same hairstyle as my ballerina dancer which is a bun. He uses a women as his artpeace like mine and he focused on skin tone like I had to in my drawing. My process for doing this art piece was starting of the background. I didn't want to use to dark of colors so I decided to do a light gray that would later become dark gray. Then I started to do the wood floors in which the ballerina dancer would later dance in. When I was done with the background I started right away on her dress. I had to experiment a lot on her dress. I noted then that the background was clashing with her white dress so then that's when I changed the background to medium gray. After I changed the background I started to only use the fat pointy brushes for the bottom part of the dress and for the to of her dress I did a small brush that would culet the white paint more and would make it less transparent and much more solid
I looked at lots of examples of artist that did beautiful ballerinas that inspired me to make a balerna, the following link is what I used for my research.https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fimage.shutterstock.com%2Fz%2Fstock-photo-oil-painting-girl-ballerina-drawn-cute-ballerina-dancing-251591584.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.shutterstock.com%2Fpic-251591584%2Fstock-photo-oil-painting-girl-ballerina-drawn-cute-ballerina-dancing.html&docid=oOF9IKZhW7khGM&tbnid=LOVuF6YrfCqZ8M%3A&vet=1&w=1500&h=1596&safe=active&bih=631&biw=1366&q=ballerinas%20dancing%20in%20a%20painting%5C&ved=0ahUKEwjcncOhxLbRAhUPelAKHSnsDV0QMwgmKAswCw&iact=mrc&uact=8 and https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fs-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2Fb9%2F04%2F85%2Fb90485527e6a903cf3615f8fee710c2d.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2FKatDoyle1%2Fballet%2F&docid=RuwrmFclv3KEIM&tbnid=NC9h1Y2ya0iyAM%3A&vet=1&w=392&h=550&safe=active&bih=631&biw=1366&q=ballerinas%20dancing%20in%20a%20painting%5C&ved=0ahUKEwjcncOhxLbRAhUPelAKHSnsDV0QMwgpKA4wDg&iact=mrc&uact=8 and https://flamencopaintings.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/irinaw.jpg
How does your work reflect the world you live in? Your own life? Your experiences?
What I enjoyed in doing this art piece was the fact that when I was drawing and painting there was skills that I learned . I had lots of fun with the process and how it would look in the end and I must say that I wasn't completely thrilled with the end result but the experience and the rules for this painting made it worthwhile to me. I went to the Barnes Foundation this weekend for my dad's birthday and so many paintings that have influenced artist and tourist. I found that people that were looking at the artwork at the Barnes Foundation we're really happy to be there and be surrounded by art. When I should my mom my art work she was very happy with it and I hope to make more art work that later in the future influence people. If the ballerinas tutu was heavy she wouldn't have looked like a ballerina. I learned how to make fabric feel light and fluffy on the wood canvas.
Artist Statement for Hummingbird Color Wheel project 1
Artist Statement
Your overall vision for the work.
My overall vision for the work was to think about making a hummingbird color wheel to show that the color wheel has different shades.
What you expect from your audience and how you think they will react?
I expect the audience to understand the concept of colors and shades, and I hope they like my art.
How your current work relates to your previous work.
My current artwork relates to my previous as I took a painting class at the Moore School of Art where we were learning about shading, like grays and tints. I also took another class like Fashion Design where we looked for colors that popped and that worked together.
Sources and inspiration for your images?
Well, I saw the typical color wheel online just to make sure I put all the different tones on. My next step was looking for a color wheel that was creatively, unique, and should my arts side. I looked at animals that I could use to put over the color wheel as a sketch over the wheel that would be drawn and bolded in black.
How has your Art been influenced?
I was influenced by my first teacher in first and second grade teacher, Debbie. She inspired me by telling me that art is not done for perfection but as fun and messy. Another person that inspired me aswell was this Ralph Smith that live in my house. He lifted his artwork in the house before he passed away but his artwork was incredible. He did prints (using wood bricks and carving them), panting, pencil drawing, and pastel drawings a well. But he was extra creative.
How this work fits into a series or longer body of work?
If I were to have this piece fit into a series, I would play with one certain primary color and focus on it and maybe put a animal over it like I did to my first one.
How a certain technique is important to the work?
The technique that is important to this work is colors and shades. Color and shades are important because they make a work more interesting, realistic, add mode.
A new technique that you learned or experimented more with in the process of making this work?
One of the technique that I used was I angled my paint brush so that the paint would fall perfectly on the paper to make exact paint strokes.
The final paragraph should recapitulate the most important points in the statement.
Travel Project
Poetry Project
Las Noticias Benchmark_Blog
New York- Nueva York
7 day forecast- jan. 17- 24
Health- Tyrone
Anchor- Kiera
Weather- Markeera
Breaking news- Tanya
Hola, me llamo Kierra Hailey y yo soy la presento.
Hoy es Lunes, diecisiete de enero. Primera a punta es tiempo con Markeera.
Hoy | Lunes | Martes | Miércoles | Jueves | Viernes | Sábado |
Nublado High: 36 Low: 28 10% Chance of rain
| Parcialmente nublado High: 33 Low: 24 0% chance of rain |
Parcialmente soleado HIgh: 35 Low 23 0% Chance of | parcialmente soleado High: 33 Low: 24 10% chance of rain | soleado High: 39 Low:30 0% chance of rain | Parcialmente nublado High: 42 Low: 39 20%chance of rain |
lluvioso High:45 Low: 60% chance of rain |
Sunday jan 17.: Cloudy 36/ 28 10% chance of rain WNW 10 mph
Monday jan. 18.: Partly Cloudy 33/24 0% chance of rain WNW 19 mph
Tuesday jan. 19:Mostly Sunny 35/23 0% chance of rain WNW 14 mph
Wednesday jan. 20: Mostly Sunny 33/24 10% chance of rain NW 16 mph
Thursday jan. 21: 39/30 Sunny 0% chance of rain NNW 11 mph
Friday jan. 22: 42/34 Partly cloudy 20% chance of rain NE 5 mph
Saturday jan.23: 45/32 showers 60% chance of rain
Hola! Me llamo Markeera. Hoy es domingo. El tiempo hoy es Nubalo. El fuerte temperatura para dia es Treinta y seis grado. El bajo temperatura es viente y ocho. El tiempo manana es esta bien. Manana es parcialmente nublado. El fuerte temperatura es treinta y tres. El bajo es viente y cuarto. El tiempo para Martes es parcialmente soleado. El fuerte temperatura es treinta y cinco. El bajo temperatura es viente y tres. El tiempo para Miércoles es parcialmente soleado. El bajo temperatura treinta y cuarto. El alto temperatura es treinta y tres. El clima para Jueves es Soleado. Jueves es el mejor dia esta semana. Asegurarse de que tu tiene Gafas de sol es. El bajo temperatura para Jueves es treinta. El fuerte temperature es treinta y nueve. El tiempo para viernes es parcialmente. El temperatura fuerte alto para viernes es cuarenta y dos. Nosotros tenemos un lluvioso sabado. El tiempo para Sabado es lluvioso. El fuerte temperature es cuarenta y cinco. El bajo temperature para sabado es treinta y dos. la esperanza todos ha una buena semana. De vuelta a tu kierra.
Kierra Anchor Transition: Siguiente es salud actualizar con Tyrone.
Tyrone: Gracias Kierra, ahora salud en Manhattan es una problema. El Nueva York Gobierno sólo indicó que más de la mitad de los residentes de adultos con sobrepeso u obesidad, por ciento cincuenta y seis para ser más preciso. Una de las razones es debido a lo popular de comida rápida en Manhattan. Nueva York recibe un ingreso estable de Manhattan solos, recibiendo millones de dólares cada año a partir de comida rápida. Esto no debe continuar para el porcentaje sólo subir más de este punto. Echemos un vistazo a McDonald's como un ejemplo, hay setenta y cinco de McDonald's situado en Manhattan... ahora que es una locura! Además, mientras estamos en el tema de la comida rápida, Chick-Fil-A que se encuentra en la 37 calle y Sexta Avenida, está cerrado aún debido a las violaciones de salud, debido a moscas de la fruta dentro de la construcción y los alimentos se ponen en la temperatura incorrecto. Hay nada que decir de cuando Chick-Fil-A se abrirá otra vez, pero te aseguro le mantendremos fijado. Eso es todo lo que ocurre, ahora mismo para la salud en Manhattan, ahora a ti Kierra.
Kierra Anchor Transition: Actualmente nosotros tene Ben paro moda.
Kierra anchor Transition: escuchar de cerca a Nueva York rompiendo noticias.
Hola, Mi nombre es Ben, Yo estoy aquí caer las tendencias en el mundo de la moda. Más de las tendencias viene de celebridades. Nosotros estaremos hablando los celebridades los tendencias vino de. Un tendencia nosotros vemos es los scooters eléctricos. Que parece como los personas son perezoso tan los personas no caminar. Una mas tendencia es los jeans rasgas. Yo rasgo mis jeans naturalmente de andando en patineta. Yo adivino es fresco hoy. El último tendencia es los botas de “uggs”. Yo veo muchas personas en mi escuela llevando puesto
las. Yo estoy creendo de comprando un par yo mismo. Gracias por tu tiempo, ve tu en la siguiente semana.
Breaking news
Noticia De Ultima Hora
Las últimas Noticias. Buenas Noches Aqui habla Tania Crowell con las noticias de la noche. Esta noche un grande fuego pasó en un adefesio en la esquina de Locust y Vanpelt. El fuego iluminando el cielo naranja y rojo. El departamento de bombero creen que el fuego comenzó en el sótano y el viento eso el fuego más peor. Parece que no hay evidencia que el fuego fue entenceloan. Las calles cerca de Locust y Vanpelt estan cerrada por que van a demoler por razones de seguridad. La noche pasada el tiempo era frígido y hace difícil para el Departamento de bomberos porque el agwa se formaba en hielo.En la mañana veintiuno (21) apartamentos se habían ido. las personas que vivían allí serán reubicados. Dos bombero están con problemas pulmonares debido a el humo.Las personas no pueden obtener sus pertenencias y todo lo que tienen es de la ropa de el cuerpo. Todos estan treseten.
La loteria powerball termeno
Kierra anchor Farewell: Gracias para escuchas para Nueva York excelente noticias presentar.
Spanish Children's Book - Pictures of the Book
In October 16th, John woke up at 8:00 in the morning. John panicked because he knows that he has school today. His mom yelled “We’re leaving in 15 minutes” and that made him quickly get ready for school. He brushed his teeth, washed his arms, and put clothes on. With no time to spare, he ran downstairs to grab a banana and left the house.
When John was in the car, he had a weird feeling in his stomach and he made a weird noise. “Are you okay?” his mom asked him. “Yeah I’m fine…” he said said in a painful tone. John was trying to survive in the car because his stomach was hurting him. When he got out of the car, the pain went away. John was very confused; it was like nothing was wrong with him.
During school, John’s stomach pain started coming back. His friends thought he had a disease, so they did not talk to him. John didn’t care that he was sick, but he was walking like a dead man. He realized that his stomach was a problem, so he wanted it to stop. He drank water, ate food, and went to sleep, but nothing worked.
He went to the office, “I need my temperature to get checked.” he said. The nurse checked his temperature and he found out he has a 104.3! John was shocked and nervous when he found out because a temperature like that is rare. The nurse ran to the phone and called John’s mom telling her to pick him up because of the temperature.
John was waiting for his mother in the office. The nurse was constantly watching over him being scared of what could happen to him. “I’m not feeling good.” John said in a disgusting tone. The nurse panicked even more and ran out the room so she won’t pass out. 5 minutes later, John’s mom came.
John’s mom was in shock. She didn’t know what to say. John couldn’t tell if her she was going to pass out or cry. All she did was grab John and ran out the school. When they got into the car, John’s mom drove to the hospital.
John couldn’t breathe when he reached the hospital. He never seen his mom cry that much before. John’s mom knew his son’s life was in his hands. All she could do was sit down and pray. John never felt so bad for his mother.
Things were not looking good for John. The doctor was worried what could happen to him. John looked like he had a disease instead of a cold. The doctor did all that he could do for John, then left the room. John’s mother was looking for answer from the doctor, but he didn't say a word.
John’s mom went in the room with tears on her face. John saw her, so he tried to smile for her. John’s mom started crying harder. John closed his eyes ending his life, but he opened his eyes again. He was in bed and it’s Saturday; John noticed it was a dream.
John got out of bed and went downstairs to eat breakfast. He bumped into his mother saying good morning. While he was eating breakfast, he told his mom the dream he had. His mom had a few reactions to the dream saying that’s scary. John said “Yeah it was, but I'm glad that is was only a dream.”
El 16 de octubre, John se despertó a las 8:00 de la mañana. John entró en pánico porque sabía que tenía escuela hoy. Su madre gritó: "Nos vamos en 15 minutos" y lo hizo llegar rápidamente listo para la escuela. El cepillo sus dientes, lavó los brazos y ponío su ropa. Sin tiempo, él corrió abajo para tomar un banana y salió de la casa.
Cuando John estaba en el coche, él tenía una sensación extraña en el estómago y hizo un ruido extraño. "¿Estás bien?" le preguntó su mamá. "Sí estoy bien...", dijo en un tono doloroso. John estaba tratando de sobrevivir en el coche porque su estómago le estaba lastimando. Cuando salió del coche, el dolor se fue. John estaba muy confundido; fue como si nada estaba mal con él.
Durante las clases, el dolor de estómago comenzó a volver. Sus amigos pensaron que tenía una enfermedad, y no hablan con él. John no importaba que estaba enfermo, pero caminaba como un hombre muerto. Se dio cuenta de que su estómago era un problema, y él quería que deje de molestar. Él bebía agua, comía comida y se fue a dormir, pero nada funcionó.
Fue a la oficina, "Necesito mi temperatura revisado" le dijo. La enfermera revisio su temperatura y se vio que tenía un 104.3! John fue sorprendido y nervioso cuando se vio porque una temperatura cómo eso era rara. La enfermera corrió hacia el teléfono y llama la mamá de John y le dice que necesita recoger a él debido a la temperatura.
John estaba esperando su madre en la oficina. La enfermera estaba constantemente mirando sobre él porque estaba asustado de lo que podría ocurrir a él. "No me siento bien" John dijo en un tono desagradable. La enfermera aún más pánico y funcionó hacia fuera de la habitación así que ella no pase hacia fuera. 5 minutos más tarde, vino la mamá de John.
La mamá de John estaba en shock. No sabía qué decir. John no podía decir si ella se iba a desmayar o llorar. Escogió John y corrió fuera de la escuela. Cuando llegaron al coche, la mamá de John llevó a John al hospital.
John no podía respirar cuando llegaron al hospital. Él nunca vio su madre llorar mucho antes. La mamá de John sabía que era la vida de su hijo en sus manos. Lo único que podía hacer era sentarse abajo y llorar. John nunca se sentía tan mal por su madre.
Cosas no miraban buena para John. El médico estaba preocupado lo que podría suceder a él. John parecía que tenía una dolencia. El médico hizo todo lo que podía hacer para John, y luego salió de la habitación. La madre de John fue en busca de la respuesta del doctor, pero no dijo una palabra.
La madre de John fue en la habitación con lágrimas. John la vio, así que trató de sonreír para ella. La mamá de John empezó a llorar más fuerte. John cerró los ojos poner fin a su vida, pero abrió los ojos otra vez. Estaba en la cama y era el sábado; John notó que era un sueño.
John se levantó de la cama y bajé a desayunar. Él golpea a su madre diciendo: “Buenos días”. Mientras él estaba comiendo el desayuno, le dijo a su madre el sueño que tenía. Su madre tenía algunas reacciones en el sueño diciendo que da miedo. John dijo "sí fue, pero soy alegro porque era sólo un sueño.
Conversational PowerPoint
College Interview Video
Entrevistador: Tania
Entrevistador dos: Berkley
Entrevistado: Alyssa
Vídeo: https://www.wevideo.com/hub#media/ci/496681075?timelineId=496009327
Philadelphia University Estudiante Entrevista:
Tania: ¡Hola! Bienvenidos a nuestra escuela. Yo soy Profesora Tania. Estoy aquí para entrevistas a tú.
Berkley: Yo soy el Profesor Berquito. Estoy aquí para entrevis.
Alyssa: Buenos días. Yo soy Alyssa Straface. Yo soy interesado en Philadelphia University.
Tania: Bien, bien. Tú estás haciendo lo correcto eliges en rute este colegio.
Alyssa: Yo se. ¿Qué es tú profesión?
Tania: Yo soy una profesora de Philadelphia University. ¿Qué quieres saber?
Alyssa: Yo quiero saber sobre la vida de una estudiante de la universidad.
Berkley: En la mañana tenemos desayuno. Nosotros tenemos muchos variedades de comidas. En el Ravenhill Dining Hall, tú puedes comprar comida de pizza, pasta, a la parrilla comida, y postres.
Alyssa: ¡Eso es muy delicioso! ¿Tienes deportes?
Berkley: Si, nosotros tenemos muchos deportes.
Alyssa: ¿Qué tipos?
Berkley: Bueno para las muchachas tenemos basketbol, campo a través, lacrosse, remo, futbol, beisbol, tenis, hipódromo, y voleibol.
Alyssa: ¡Muy bien, yo amo hipódromo!
Tania: ¿Que curso es interesado a?
Alyssa: Estoy interesado a biología.
Tania: Yo soy profesora de biología.
Alyssa: ¿Es muy difícil?
Berkley: Biología es un poco difícil.
Tania: Sí. Yo creo eso tambien. ¿De donde eres Alyssa?
Alyssa: Yo soy de Filadelfia.
Berkley: ¿Que parte de Filadelfia eres?
Alyssa: Yo soy de la parte de East Falls.
Berkley: Bueno. Yo soy de la parte de oeste de Filadelfia.
Tania: ¿Alyssa, porque debo aceptar tu en mi escuela?
Alyssa: Bueno, soy una persona, muy académica, y me gusta leer. Me vengo de la escuela de SLA Beeber. El señor Chris Johnson es el principal.
Tania: ¿Quien vives con?
Alyssa: Yo vivo con mi madre, mi padre, y mi hermano menor.
Tania: ¿Que haces con tu tiempo gratis?
Alyssa : A mi me gusta escribir y dibujar.
Berkley: Yo tambien.
Tania: ¿Comó mira hermano menor?
Alyssa: Él es muy alto para su edad. Él tiene pelo corto y marrón.
Berkley: Mi hermana tiene pelo corto también.
Tania: Yo tengo un hermano también. Él tiene dieciocho años y es muy alto.
Alyssa: Mi hermano es un niño, muy cariñoso, y bueno.
Berkley: Yo no tengo un hermano pero mi hermana es muy cariñosa también.
Alyssa: ¿Philadelphia University tiene uniformes?
Tania: No, Philadelphia University no tiene uniformes.
Alyssa: Bueno, me no gusta uniformes. ¿Cuantos tiendas de ropas está cerca?
Tania: Kohl's, TJ Maxx, y otras está cera.
Alyssa: ¿Donde está Philadelphia University?
Berkley: 4201(cuatro, dos, cero, uno) Henry Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19144 (uno, nueve, uno, cuatro, cuatro). Philadelphia University es veinte minutos marcharse.
Alyssa: ¿Qué es el más bajo GPA aceptable?
Tania: 3.0 es la mínimo.
Alyssa: Bueno mi GPA es un 4.0.
Berkley: Bueno Alyssa, Que me voy a tener tu en mi piensas. Soy muy emocionado para tu futuro y voy a tener en mi consideración.
Tania: Si, yo tambien. Mucho gusto, Alyssa.
Alyssa: Mucho gusto. Adios.
Día de los Muertos - All components
Tania Crowell |
The person that passed away was my great great grandmother her name was Tia Piti. She is very important to us in our family because she is my mom's grandmother. It was at Tia Piti house that Daniel and I said the first time we left the orphanage. She made us feel at home and allowed us to eat as many mangos from her mango tree. She was also was the first person that we experienced death with. Actually when she got sick my mom took Daniell and I back to Bolivia to see her.
I decide to create my school because I wanted to remember and celebrate my grandmother's life. My sugar skull reflect this person because she was very pretty.
She had 3 kids that were adopted 6 of her own but she loved all of them like they were her own. “Día de los Muertos” is unlike any other holiday because it's not about us it's about remembering someone that was special to us and that we don't have any more. I really am glad to take that time and celebrate this holiday but I have a lot of sadness in my heart talking about her.
Hola me llamo Tania. Yo soy la nieta de Piti Talavera.
Mi Abuela Nació en Santa Cruz Bolivia.
Piti Talavera nació en 1914 (diez y nueve mil cuarenta y siete)
Ella fue una de nueve hijos
Ella fue una granjera de la familia
Mi Abuela fue muy inteligente.
Mi Abuela fue bonita
Hoy estamos en Filadelfia
Piti Talavera fue parte del mundo y nuestro familia, está es una gran pérdida para cuando ella fue nosotros.
Yo estoy muy mal. También yo estoy feliz para tener conocido ella. Me extranjero ella en mi vida. Nosotros estamos feliz que ustedes están aquí. Todos están importante a ella. Nosotros recordamos nuestro el tiempo con usted siempre.
Humans of SLA Beeber Ms. Landman
Hello Ms. Landman
Hi Tania How are you
Good Ummm so I holp you don't mind me asking you a few questions
Okay so , What is your earliest memory?
Ummmm, So I think my earliest memory was ummm when I was 3 and ½ or 4 and we went camping and there was this lake you swim across the rocks and I remember making it all the way across the lake and the lifeguard was like what how did she get over there he was shocked that I could swim and my dad was like “no shes’ fine she knows how”!
Who has been the biggest influence on your life?
ummm my parents have definitely have been the biggest influence in my life and they are hard working and they have told me to work hard. to be kind to treat others the way you want to be treated and they’re such a good example.
k ummm If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be? Why?
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be? Why? I’ve traveled to a lot of dream places. I’ve had the chance to Africa, South America, to Europe, I really feel blessed I feel really thankful for where I’ve gone. I think next time I would like to go to Vietnam possibly .
If you could snap your fingers and make one thing better in the world, what would it be? Why?
I would definitely make sure to treat people with kindness. I wish there was a lot more kindness and less caddiness.That people really respect where people are coming from and a nature gentle state among people.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? 20 years?
In ten years, I mean hopefully, God willing, my husband and I will have children. Um yea, I want to know that I’ve worked as hard as I could to make a difference in my students lives and that I did everything, that’ve done most of the things I’ve wanted to accomplish and that I am still working to reach those goals.
How would you like to be remembered?
I always tell my husband, I just want to remembered, I don’t want to be forgotten. I have this fear of being forgotten. Umm, and I do remember my grandparents and my great grandparents through stories. I hope that you know our family can always tell stories and keep our great memories alive.
Alright thank so much for letting me interview you Ms. Landman
Tips for Teenagers
Tips for Teenagers
By: Anaya Thomas-Gomez, Trey Hollinger,Tilly Tyler-Newbill, Tania Crowell
Based on the I-Search papers that we completed on teenage development, here are some tips for teenagers to help them be happier and to help them develop in positive ways.
Don’t do drugs at a young age for it can affect you in the future, and find positive activities and groups to prevent it.
Let people express themselves and wear what they want without having to be judged for being a little different.
Don’t let others put you down, be confident in yourself.
- Be supportive of your friends, motivate them, allow friends to express themselves without you being judgemental, and in order to be a good friend let them talk to you about any situation they have.
5 Easy Steps To Getting Ready For The Day infographic
My Physics Circuit Project by Tania Crowell
Artist statement
I am interested in how the Solar System works and the retention between the planets. I chose to make the Solar System because I had a great idea on how to design it and relate to the Circuits Project. This project is personal to me because I'm part of the Solar System and the universe. This project is very educational because it demonstrates the relationship between the planets and sun. I feel my project also shows energy in the Solar System. In my project I wanted to make the sun thev main resource of light, life, and radiant energy.