Q4 artist statement
My artwork is a replication of one of David Choe's painting, "David Choe Pyeong Chang Olympics Watercolors." David Choe is best known for painting murals, and graphic novels. My artwork is a figure skater. My current work relates to my previous work because I have done shade and texture in art before. Instead of watercolor, I did texture drawing. The materials I used when making this art was a 2H, 4H, and 4B pencils. I first drew a figure skater with a 2H pencil. Then, I used a 4B pencil to outline the shape of my drawing. After outlining the shape of my drawing, I used a 4H and 4B pencil to shade my drawing. I used a 4H pencil to lighten the parts that I wanted. I used the 4B pencil to darken the parts that I wanted. After shading my drawing I decided to use watercolor and paint the outline of my drawing to make it pop. The colors I used were white, flesh tint and magenta. A technique I experimented more with the process of making this work is shade and texture. I'm most proud of the way my artwork turned out. In conclusion, something I learned through the completion of this project is to use your time wisely.
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